[J.E.B & J.J.K]

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"EUNHA!" Yuju shouts as I kept walking with my headphone on.

"Yah! I've been calling you," She said pulling the headphones off of my ears.

"Sorry..." I said and then Yuju waved good-bye.

I watched as she ran towards Jimin.

I stood there alone. 

I walked to class without bumping into anyone. 

I sat next to Jungkook who looked at me since I walked through the doors.

"Hey," He said simply.

"Hi," I said and put my stuff down.

"So...prom is coming up," he said

"Has anyone asked you?" he asked and he was staring at the lined paper in front of him.

"No...why would they?" I said scoffing.

"I don't know, I just thought a guy already asked you out," Jungkook said

"Not yet..." I said and took out my notebook for the class.

"What did you get on the Geometry Test?" I asked

"92%. You??" he asked

My stomach drops.

I didn't do great during that Test.

"62%," I said in a low voice.

"What? Why?" he asked

"I didn't get the lesson," I said 

"Oh...I know it was hard but I studied for two days for it," he said

We stopped talking when the teacher came in.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Im!" The class says together.

She starts the lesson and I'm writing everything down. 

"Eunha?" I heard Jungkook

"Do you want to study? Later?" he asked

"Sure," I said and smiled.


I'm walking home with Jungkook.

We're both wearing our uniforms. 

"We have that upcoming History Test," Jungkook said

"Let's study together then," I said and checked my phone.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Yuju-ah was supposed to text me if she wanted to go to the movies this weekend but she hasn't responded," I said

"Probably with Jimin-hyung. They're always together," Jungkook said rolling his eyes. 

"Are you jealous? Is it because you haven't spent time with Jimin-oppa?" I asked

"Yeah, Yuju-ah has been stealing Jimin-hyung from me," Jungkook said

"Its okay Jimin-oppa has been stealing Yuju-ah from me," I said

I unlocked my front door and we walked in.

We both take our shoes off and we're in the kitchen.

I'm grabbing snacks for both of us.

We then venture into the living room.

We're studying for more than 6 hours and my brain is hurting from the information.

"Let's stop..." Jungkook said.

I'm sensing his tiredness.

"We should get some rest," I said

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