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[yerin pov]

Walking down the halls is alright.

Only a few students walk here. 

I'm heading into my last period.

Most students run to their classes.

Some student actually just walk.

That's me. 

I reach my class and take a seat in the back of the class.

I hate it here.

I can't believe the teacher put me here.

I'm such a good student but he puts me here where people don't pay attention.

I sigh and sit.

My eyes then turn towards the door.

Kim Taehyung.

A bad boy but is a smart ass.

I turn to my right and see him taking his seat.

"Good Afternoon, princess," Taehyung said

I frown.

"Fuck you," I said

He smirks.

"Love you, princess," he said and pinches my chin.

I slap his hand away.

"Stop it," I said

I turn away from him and face the front.

"You don't want me to stop," he said

I scoff.

"What a bitch?" I mumbled.

"What was that, princess?" he asked

"Nothing," I said

"No, I definitely heard something," he said

"I said what a bitch?" I said back to him

"You shouldn't say that, princess," he said

"Whatever," I said and paid attention to the board.

I start writing everything and see Taehyung done with the notes.

It looks so nice.

Fuck him.

I roll my eyes and get back to my notes.

I then hear the bell ring.

"Hey, princess...you coming?" Taehyung asked

"No, I have to finish the notes..." I said

"I'll show you mine," He suggested.

"Alright..." I said and trailed my 't'

Even though I hate his guts, he's my only way home.

I pack my stuff up and walk to my locker.

I put and grab things from my locker.

Taehyung comes and leans against the lockers.

"You ready?" he asked

"Yeah," I said and closed my locker.

Taehyung puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Can you not?" I asked

"No can do, princess," he said

"Why are you so cocky?" I asked

"I am not cocky, princess," He said and looks at me.

"Nevermind," I said and I get into the car.

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