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A/N: This chapter is about cutting/self harm. If you don't want to read you don't have to. I don't know if it would trigger you but read on your own risk.

Umji's pov

I walked into the hallway. Silent yet you can hear teachers teaching lessons. I walked to the office as I heard the office needed me. I don't know what but when I walked in I saw my older brother by two-years (NOT TRUE) and Min Yoongi. Yoongi is in my grade but my brother is 2 years older than both of us. I looked at both of them and my brother was about to say something but the principal came out. 

"Ms. Kim, may I have a word," He said and I followed him to his office. I gave the two boys one last glance and entered the office.

"Do you know what happened?" He asked and I shook my head no. "Well, your brother is saying that Mr. Min was hurting you?" He said but in an asking way. I looked down. 

It was the beginning of High school. I just figured out Yoongi was in my class. Once he saw me he thought I was an easy target. I was back then but I am still. I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. He would hit me on my arms and legs. People always asked why I wear oversized sweaters. I never said. Once the third month started he verbally and physically hurt me. The verbal part hurt the most as it got me to cut. Honestly, the cuts have faded but there are still some on my arm. My parents, brother, and friends don't know about them. 

"Ms. Kim has he?" He asked once again and I nodded. I looked at him and he had a concerned face on. "Since when? Has it stopped?" 

"Beginning of freshman year but it stopped two months ago," I said and looked at the ground once more. He got up and told my brother and Yoongi to come in. 

"Ms. Kim said you have hurt her," He said as Yoongi sat down beside me. He looks down.

"It was only for four months. I stopped because once everyone said to me that she'll kill herself soon. That night when everyone said that, I had gone to her house but her parents didn't let me in. I wanted to know if she was alright. I then figured out why she always wore oversized sweaters even though it's still hot," Yoongi said and I looked at him

"What do you mean?" My brother asked and then looked at me. He grabs my arm and yanks the sleeve of my sweater up. There lies my insecurity. The scars that make me....me. "WHAT THE HELL YEWON!" My brother shout and scared me. My tears start to pour out. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" He shouted once again. My tears poured out even more. I got scared as he squeezed my arm harder. I had cut myself yesterday and as he squeezed my arm it started to bleed again which was painful. 

Yoongi had gotten up and punched my brother. My brother was about to hit Yoongi but my parents came in. The got shocked and looked at the principal who was standing up. My tears and the blood rushed down my arm and face. My vision got blurry and fell on the floor. Yoongi saw me and tried to help me up.

"Umji! UMJI! WAKE UP!" he said and that was all I remembered.

Waking up I saw a white light and white ceiling. I looked around and I saw my parents on one of the couches. I looked to my side and saw Yoongi. I saw he was asleep. No sign of my brother. I stared at Yoongi a bit. The door opened startling me. I saw my brother.

"UMJI! YOU'RE AWAKE!" He shouted holding a cup of coffee. His shout woke up my parents and Yoongi. My parents rushed to my side and Yoongi walked back. My parents asked if I was alright. I just said yes. I looked and saw Yoongi leaving.

"Yoongi Sunbae!" I shout from my bed. He looked shocked when I called him.

"We'll give you some space to talk. Now dealing with you Mr. Kim," My mom said referring to my brother and dragged him outside. Yoongi walked to me and sat on the same chair he was at.

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