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Umji pov

I grabbed my books out of my locker and walked to class. My head was kept down as I walked through the students. Someone tappped my shoulder as I walked. I looked back and saw Sowon. She was a Senior while I'm a Junior. 

"Hey, you going to class?" Sowon asked me and I nodded. "Hey, I'll see you later. I have to get to gym," Sowon said and I nodded as she ran off. I sat in my seat opened my textbook and notebook. The class started and while Mrs. Lee was teaching the door opened and revealed Min Yoongi. I keep my eyes down as Suga slams his books down on the desk behind me. 

"Hey, Yewon...Miss me?" He said and messed up my hair. 

"No, now stop it," I said and trying to pay attention to Mrs. Lee. 

"Why? It's fun messing with you," He said and I looked back. He had his gummy smile plastered on his face. Just turn around Kim Yewon, don't you dare fall for him. I turned to the board and in front of me was Mrs. Lee

"Are you paying attention, Yewon?" She asked

"Yes, Mrs. Lee," I said and looked at her

"It doesn't seem like it. Please stop staring at Mr. Min and pay attention to the lesson," She said in a strict voice. I start to blush as she said to staring at Suga. 

"Ne, Mrs. Lee," I said and looked down. She went to the front of the class. I took notes and the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and rushed out of class. I walked quickly and bumped into someone.

"Are you in a rush, Umji?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"I'm sorry, Jin," I said and looked at him.

"It's okay. You okay, did Suga embarrass you again?" He asked and I nodded. "Don't worry I'll talk to him," He said

"Thank you!" I said and hugged him. "I have to go now, bye!" I said and ran off. I walked to my locker and grabbed my lunch. Yuju walks over to me.

"Hey, you ready?" She asked and I nodded. We walked to lunch and we didn't see Sinb during lunch. 

"Hey, Umji? Can you guys come with?" I turned around and saw Jimin standing behind me. 

"Sure, let's go," Yuju said. We walked to the rooftop and I saw Suga standing there. I wanted to leave but my unnies were stopping me. I stood their with my head down. Next thing I know a cupcake is shoved in front of my face. I looked up and see Suga laughing as frosting dropped from my face to my shirt. Tears started to fall from my face and I ran away. I reached my house and opened the door. When I entered the house I saw my little sister and she ran up to me. I had wiped the frosting off of my face and hugged my sister.

"Unnie, what happened?" She asked as she wiped a bit of frosting off my face. 

"Nothing...did you finish your homework?" I asked and put my bag down. 

"Yeah! can you check it?" she asked and handed me papers. I sat down on the couch and checked my sister's homework. I finished checking her work and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a pot and grabbed two packs of ramen. I started to cook the ramen when I heard a knock. I then heard the door open and my sister talking.

"UNNIE! SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU!!" I heard my little sister shout. Why did she open the door? Also, Who's here?

I walked to the door and saw Suga standing there. I told my sister to go to her room and I walked over to Suga.

"What do you need?" I asked

"I wanted to say sorry," He said looking down. He then handded me a boquet of flowers. "I didn't mean it," He said.

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