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Test Message

Suga: Are you doing anything tonight?

Umji: nothing, just hanging out with my sister. I have to babysit.

Suga: I should come over and we can hang out

Umji: I'll ask my parents if it's okay.

Suga: Alright

Umji: They said it was alright

Suga: I'll see you at 7

Umji: Alright

Real Life

'knock' 'knock'

Umji: Coming! *runs to the door*

Pizza Delivery: Order for Kim Yewon *hands the pizza*

Umji: Thank you and here *pays the money*

Suga: Hey, Umji! *hands are inside his jeans*

Umji: Come in *gesture to get in*

Suga: It's nice to see you again *showing his gummy smile*

Umji: My sister is in the living room *placing the pizza down*

Suga: Hey, Yeji *Picks up Umji's little sister*

Yeji: Suga OPPA! *hugs his neck*

Umji: Yeji, pizza's here... *gesturing for Yeji to come*

Suga: Let's go and eat with your sister *walks over to Umji*

Umji: Here, *feeds Yeji*

Suga: Feed me too! *he said as he holds Yeji in his arms*

Umji: Feed yourself, Yoongi *Keeps feeding Yeji*

Yeji: You should feed oppa... *pats Yoongi's head*

Umji: Alright... *Feeds Yoongi and Yeji*

Suga: Doesn't Umji make a good mom... *He asked Yeji and she nods*

Yeji: Suga? Oppa, can you stay for tonight? Unnie always sleeps with me and you should sleep with me too. *Yoongi nods*

12: 29 pm

Yeji: Good Night...Unnie and Oppa *kisses Yoongi's and Yewon's cheeks*

Umji: Good Night Yeji... *kisses Yeji*

Suga: Good Night Yeji... *Kisses Yeji*

Umji + Suga: *kissing Yeji on the cheek*

Yeji: *giggling from the kisses*

Umji + Suga + Yeji: *Falls Asleep*

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had a power outage and I had no wifi. This chapter is short. I know that. This is from my Tumblr account. The picture and the chapter. I might be busy for the next few weeks. My schedule is down below.

November 10-> Filming for my French Project (Not Updating(Maybe))
November 14-15-> YearBook Club
November 17-> Algebra Quiz
November 13-17?-> Physics Quiz (One of those days)
November 21-> YearBook Club
November 22/29-> Multicultural Club
December 7-> Winter Concert (Not Updating)

These are my schedule right now....I might add more things but that's it for now. New chapters but they are short like these. Bye!!


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