[M.Y.G & K.Y.W] +18

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Yewon's pov.

"You're not going to be innocent for this long, Yewon..." Yuju said 

"But, I'm always going to be innocent!" I said as I picked my food.

"I'm leaving!" Someone shouted

"YAH! Can you pick Min Holly?" Another voice said.

"Sure...just send me the address...I'll pick her up when I get home from school," I responded to Yoongi.

"I'll send it to you when you get out..." Yoongi said and picked up an apple.

"Bye, oppa..." Yuju said and waved bye to Jimin.

"Come on, Yuju we need to go to school," I said and placed my bowl of cereal in the sink.

"You really think you're going to stay innocent with these people living around you?" Yuju asked.

"You're right!" I said and she nodded, "I should go live with Sowon..." I said and Yuju's face drops.

"That's not what I'm saying, Yewon. In this household, you'll be picking up non-innocent things. I've picked up from the guys some cuss words..." Yuju said and put her bowl in the sink too.

"That's why I always stay away from them..." I said and grabbed my bag.

"But, you still hear them say those things!" Yuju said

"I don't care," I said

"You can hear them in school also. I'm just a year above you. It doesn't mean anyone is innocent enough to let out a cuss word..." Yuju said and we walked to the car.

"That's because I don't hang out with people like that..." I said 

"You know Yewon...I think we should hang out with the guys after school," Yuju said

"I can't I have to pick up Holly and then I have piano lessons..." I said and looking at my schedule.

"Just skip piano lesson! Why are you taking it anyways? Doesn't Yoongi play piano? Can't he teach you?" Yuju asked

"Maybe I could...I didn't know Yoongi played..." I said and stared outside.

"He didn't tell you? Oh, wow I thought he did..." Yuju said and took a sharp right turn into the school parking lot.

"Again...I haven't hung around you guys before..." I said and getting out.

"Oh right..." She said and locked her car.

"Plus I have a shift at the bookstore...and another one at the coffee store," I said.

"Take a day-off," She said and we walked into the school.

"I can't. I had a day-off on this day but they had to put me for today. Someone had gotten sick," I said and opened my locker.

My phone rings.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey...I sent you the address for Holly. Don't forget to pick her up, please," Yoongi said into the phone

"Yeah, don't worry..." I said and grabbed one of my textbooks.

"Alright! I trust you! Hey, I have to go. I'm running late," He said as his voice was getting fainter from the phone.

"Yeah, don't worry. Bye," I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Yuju asked

"Yoongi...reminding me to pick up Holly," I said and checked my text messages.

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