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Eunha's pov

I walked with my parents as we were exiting the airport. We had just gotten off of our flight from Tokyo. School was going to start tomorrow. I went into the car and we drove back to our house. I watched the buildings coming and going. I opened my phone and got a text from Sowon unnie.


YAH! did you land yet?

Yeah, just landed.
I'm coming back.

how long are you from your house??

30 to 45 minutes away
Why are you asking?

No reason
See you then

Weird. Sowon-unnie never acted like this. I got another text from Jimin. 


where are you?

Why are you asking?

Just because
just tell me

In on my way home
about 30-45 minutes away

I'll see you soon

But why?

I hate this so much. I listen to the radio as my dad drove back to the house. We near our street and I could see houses and cars parked in their driveway. I get out and grab my luggage. I drag the bag up the door. I grab the keys from my pocket and open the door. I opened it and walked inside. Why is it this dark?? I opened the lights on the side of the wall.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted when the lights went on.

"What are you doing at my house?" I asked looking shocked and confused.

"We wanted to see you....Jungkook missed you also," Jimin said and pushing Jungkook towards me.

"Yeah..."Jungkook said and gave me a rose

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" I heard my dad shout from behind me. I was scared and frozen in place. "I'm kidding. How is everyone? Jungkook?" My dad joked

"Great, sir," Jungkook said and smile.

"I'll put my stuff upstairs," I said and grabbed my bags

"I'll help you," Jungkook said grabbing my hand

"OOOOHHHHH!" I heard everyone say. I start to blush and I let go of the bag. I had given it to Jungkook. We both walked up and into my room.

"Did you miss me?" Jungkook asked as he sat on my bed.

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"Nothing....how much did you miss me?" He asked me

"I wanted to call but I didn't have any wifi around, that's how much..." I said and opening my luggage

"Did you get me something?" He asked

"Yeah..." I nodded and grabbed a bag. The bag contained 3 songbooks/notebooks, 2 treats from Japan, and a stuffed bunny.

"Thank you!" He said and hugged me

"Y-your welcome," I said surprised by his actions. He let go and sat on the bed. He opened the note/songbooks up and looked at them. I unpacked and had bags with presents in it. I finished and walked back down to where my parents were talking to my friend. I handed each of my friends' presents.

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