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Suga pov.

I sat in front of a girl that has dark blonde hair. Her hair moves as she writes down things for the class. She then looks behind her. 

"Do you need a partner?" She asked

"What? Why?" I asked as I brought my head up.

"Project? Didn't you just hear her?" She asked

"Yeah..."I said lying to her.

"You need a partner?" She asked

"No...he doesn't," Someone said behind me.

"Actually, I do need a partner. Here's my number. Text me where you want to meet," I said and grabbed my books and handing her the piece of paper.

I'd rather work with Umji than Jennie. 

She's too annoying to work with.

She doesn't really do anything.

I worked with her once and I had to do all the work in one night.

I walked towards my locker.

I hear running of feets.

Their shoes are loud as they echo down the hallway.

I look towards the noise and saw Jennie running after Umji.

My eyebrows scrunch up and I run after Umji.

"I'm sorry! I'll leave him alone!" I hear her shouting as she kept running towards the garden.

"You better because he's MINE!" Jennie shouted and stopped running after Umji.

"What the Hell?!" I shouted at Jennie.

"What?" She said innocently.

"I don't give a shit about your feelings because I don't have feelings for you," I said and ran after Umji.

I know she goes to the garden at least once a day.

I walk in and see her by the small lake. 

She's talking to the fish.


"Umji?" I said as I walked towards her. 

"Why are you here? How do you know I was here?" She asked getting up.

"I want to talk to you. Plus I always overhear you and your friends talking about lunch but you always come here instead," I said and show her my gummy smile.

"I'm sorry...I can't be your partner..." She said and I have a confused face 

"Why?" I asked

"I just can't," She said not making eye contact.

"Come on...I want to work with, Umji," I said and she's walking backward

I watched her heel as she touches the edge of the small lake. 

I grab her waist and pulled her up.

"Be careful," I said and smiled at her.

"Al-alright..." She stuttered

"You're cute," I said and I can see the small tint pink on her face.

She's blushing.


"I'll see you later," I said and winked at her. 

I let go and walked to class. 

"YAH! YOONGI! Where were you?" J-Hope asked pissed off at me.

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