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Sowon's pov

Another day passes and I always wonder if Jin is alright. I was in my room writing down lyrics and doodling on the edges of my notebooks. Textbooks and notebooks were scattered as I was doing my homework. I can hear the front the door open. I get up and walk over to the staircase. I saw my brother Namjoon and his best friend Jin. I walked away before my brother can even greet me. I slam the door. I hated when my brother would bring Jin over because I would stay in my room and if I get out my brother would tease me. See Jin and Namjoon are a year ahead of me. I sat down on the bed and let out a mumble.

"Ugh, I hate this some much," I said and went to my closet. I grabbed a white shirt and some black shorts. I lied down on my bed studying and doing homework. My stomach started to growl as I did my calculus homework. I groaned and got up. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs.

"Hey, sis. You want some?" Namjoon asked as he shoved a sandwich in my face. I shook my head and went into the pantry. I grabbed myself some ramen and a pot. I started to water and put it on the stove. I walked and opened the ramen. I put it in and waited. I sat on the counter and watched it cook. I got a text from Eunha. She then called me. I picked up.

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Unnie! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO MY MATH HOMEWORK!" She yelled into her phone. I explained while waiting for the ramen to cook. She finally got it and my ramen was done. I put it into a bowl and then noticed my brother and Jin was gone. I got another phone call but this time it was from Yuju. She was asking what she should wear to her date with Jimin. I talked to her while eating. Sinb had called after and Jin had come down. I walked to the sink while talking. When I saw my brother and Jin come down again I passed them and walked up. Umji called as she needed lyrics for her music class. I gave her my lyrics but she didn't accept. Yerin was the last person to call but I was disturbed by a knock on the door. I told Yerin I would call her later and she agreed. I walked over to the door and saw Namjoon. 

"You want to play?" He said and I knew he was referring to video games. I agreed just because I was bored and I didn't want to do my homework. I walked with Namjoon to his room. Jin was on Namjoon's bed and doing homework. I sat down on one of the chairs and we started playing. Halfway through the game, Namjoon changed with Jin. Namjoon needed to do his homework before our parents come home.

"Alright, I'm gonna make a bet for both of you," Namjoon said taking out his stuff.
"If Jin wins he has to take my sister out for a date, but If Sowon wins you have to buy us food...or she can give Jin a kiss," I blush immediately and we play. I wasn't going down with a fight. My confident face went to a worried face as I was losing. Before I can do anything I lost to Jin. 

"YAH!" Jin shouted but hit his head. He was turning red. 

"You have to take my sister out..." Namjoon said holding a book and his phone

"Right..." Jin said. I sat there. "Hey, Sowon-ah....go change and we'll head out," He said and I got up and nodded.

I heard my phone ringing. 

I put my friends on.

"YAH! YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH JIN-OPPA!" I heard Sinb yell. I answered yes and hung up.

"Sowon?" I heard Jin. I turn around as I was in the closet. "If you want we can just go to my house and watch a movie?" He asked

"Sure, that'll be nice..." I said and smiled. I changed into a white blouse and a pink skirt. I grabbed a jacket and went downstairs. I saw Jin and Namjoon waiting for me. I saw Jin's face. "Is it alright?" I asked and got a thumbs up from Namjoon. I put my wallet and phone in my bag. 

"Let's go?" I said and grabbed Jin's hand. We went to Jin's car and drove to Jin's house. Before going he bought some pizzas and soda. We went to a nearby market and bought ice cream and chips. We drove to his house and put in movies.

"Hey, It was nice to have a date.....you know it's just one right?" I said grabbing a chip from the bag.

"Well....if you want you can be my girlfriend because I like you....." He said and smiled. 

"Sure....but don't spend more time with my brother..." I said pouting

"Okay...." He said and kissed my cheek. 


NEW CHAPTER!! I'm not sure I'm gonna do a double update by the way. I almost failed my physics quiz and social studies quiz. I need to study my physics things because I have a quiz again. Don't worry I'm going to update soon. Also it's Yuju's birthday. I have some pictures for you guys. Also it's Jeonghan's birthday but I don't have pictures right now.

 Also it's Jeonghan's birthday but I don't have pictures right now

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