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Jimin: Cuddle with me Yuju-ah! *lying on the bed*

Yuju: I have to finish this song first Jimin-oppa *Writing in a notebook*

Jimin: You can do that later Yuju-ah! *getting up*

Yuju: I can't oppa.... *Jimin comes behind her*

Jimin: Please. Take a rest. You've been working every day. *pouting*

Yuju: I know and I'm almost done. *Writing once more*

Jimin: Come on Yuju-ah...just this once. You never spend time with me anymore *sitting down on the floor and pouting*

Yuju: Alright. Just stop pouting, please. *Getting up*

Jimin: YEAH! *Grabs Yuju's hand and pulls her to his bed*

Yuju: This is nice... *cuddling*

Jimin: Yeah, I miss this... *Kisses Yuju's cheek*

Yuju: I do too... *falls asleep*

Jimin: *Falls Asleep*


I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had a power outage and I had no wifi. This chapter is short. I know that. This is from my  Tumblr account. The picture and the chapter. I might be busy for the next few weeks. My schedule is down below.

November 10-> Filming for my French Project (Not Updating(Maybe))
November  14-15-> YearBook Club
November 17-> Algebra Quiz
November 13-17?-> Physics Quiz (One of those days)
November 21-> YearBook Club
November 22/29-> Multicultural Club
December 7-> Winter Concert (Not Updating)

These are my schedule right now....I might add more things but that's it for now. New chapters but they are short like these. Bye!!


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