[F i r s t S n o w-E u n k o o k]

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Jungkook pov

I ran around the track for an hour.

"YAH! JUNGKOOK YOU'RE GOING TO GET SICK!" Jin shouted stopping me.

"Sorry, Hyung," I said and grabbed the jacket in his hands.

"Let's get going...who the fuck told you to wear shorts?" Jin said looking at what I was wearing.

I was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts.

"Sorry..." I said and took a drink of my water.

"It's the middle of December why are you wearing shorts?" a voice was heard on the other side of the track.

I turned my head to see two girls. One with a white shirt and black shorts. Another with blue jeans and black jacket.

"I swear if you get sick Eunha...I'm not taking care of you," the tall girl said and pulled the other one. They walked away. The tall one put a jacket on the shorter girl.

"Do you know them?" I asked Jin

"No..." He said shaking his head.

"We should greet them," I said

"No...we need to get going. The others are waiting for us in the car," Jin said and pulled me.

We walked towards the car.

"What took so long?" Taehyung whined.

"Sorry," Jin said, "Jungkook wanted to talk with two girls," Jin continued

"I'm sorry for not telling you where I was," I said and the cold settled in my body making me shiver.

"Great. You're getting sick," Namjoon said frowning.

"I'm not taking care of him," Everyone said 

"I'm alright taking care of myself," I said

We drove in silence. We arrived and everyone went inside.

"Hyung!" I shouted as I changed my clothes, "Can I get some soup?" I asked grabbing my jacket.

"Alright...Don't take so long," Jin said

I went outside and walked to the convenience store. I walked to the store and entered. I greeted the owner and walked to soup section. 

"That'll be 2,000 won, Jungkook," The owner said. 

I handed him the money and thanked him.

I walked out and bumped into a girl.

"Mianhae," We both said at the same time.

I helped the girl up and I noticed it was the same girl that was at the tracks.

"You must be Eunha," I said

"Yeah...why?" She said confused and scared

"Oh...I'm Jungkook. I saw you at the tracks early today..." I said

"Oh...That was you with your hyung," She said

"Yeah...Jin...He's always worrying about me," I said and smiled, "The girl is your unnie?" I asked

"Yeah...Sowon-unnie is always scared that'll get sick," She said showing her bunny teeth.

"You want to hang out?" I asked

"Sure, but let me ask my unnie," She said and went to text her friend.

I decided to text Jin.

-Jin Hyung-

Hey, Can I hang out with a girl?

Don't come home late

Alright, Hyung

"Let's go," I said and we walked into the store.

I greeted the owner again and Eunha went to get a bowl of noodles.

We sat together at a table.

"What's your real name?" Eunha asked while filling up the bowl with water.

"Jeon Jungkook. You?" I asked

"Jung Eunbi. When's your birthday?" She asked

"September 1, 1997..." I said and her face is at shocked, "Why? When's yours?" I asked

"May 30, 1997...." She said

"That mean's your a noona to me," I said and smirked at her.

"Where are you from?" She asked

"Busan...you?" I asked

"Geumcheon District. Have any siblings?" She asked

"I have one brother. How about you?" I asked

"One brother and one sister..." she said

We kept talking about ourselves. 

It was getting late.

9:29 pm

"Hey...how about I get your number and we should talk. It's getting late," I said and we exchanged numbers.

We walked outside. 

I looked at Eunha and then a snowflake came between us.

"Do you know the say 'the first snowfall, you're going to meet your true love'," Eunha said

"Yeah..." I said and smiled at her.

"Good...because I think I found my true love," She said and kissed my cheek.


New chapter. I sorry if it's too short. I hope you enjoy the chapter. I might put up the Namlee chapter tomorrow or before 2017 ends. Thank you very much for this year!

Good Night/Morning! 

Today/Tomorrow is the 2017 MBC Gayo Daejejeon with BTS and GFRIEND.


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