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Sinb's pov

J-Hope and I walked to our first-period class and while we walked he held my hand. I smile at him as he held my hand. We walked to class but I felt someone grab my other hand and pull me towards the ground. J-Hope helps me up but he falls to the ground when I looked up I saw.....


I looked up to see Mingyu. He had tripped me and pushed J-hope to the ground. Jimin and Yuju helped us up but Mingyu pushed me against the lockers while S.Coups and Vernon held J-Hope and Jimin. Yuju was being held by Exy who had a smirk on her face. 

"Did you miss me?" Mingyu said smirking

"NO! LET ME GO!" I shouted and smacked him in the face 

"SHUT UP!" He said and slapped me across the face. He was holding my neck and pushing me against the locker harder. "Don't Fucking talk to me like that!" He said and tears fall as he pulled my hair.

"MR.KIM PLEASE LET GO OF HER AND GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! NOW!" We heard Mrs. Choi shout from the end of the hall. He lets go of my neck and hair and I'm coughing on the floor. Yuju got loose off of Exy's grip and slapped her and she ran away from the scene. Yuju crawled towards me and helped me. S.Coups and Vernon had run towards the exit and Jimin and J-Hope helped me up. They took me to the nurse and Mingyu got suspended for a month. J-Hope and Jimin were outside while Yuju was with me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and I held up an okay sign.

"Mrs. Choi said we can go home early...let's go?" She asked and I nodded.

She helps me up and we walked outside where J-Hope and Jimin were sitting. Yuju held my bag and J-hope carried me on his back. We walked to my house and my parents were at work and we met up with Sowon and Jin. They met up with us at the house and we hung out. Jin and Sowon were in the kitchen making food. J-Hope and I were in my room along with Yuju and Jimin. Sowon and Jin called us down and we ate the food.

"Hey, Sinb-ah do you like J-Hope sunbae?" Yuju asked. I slowly nodded and I saw J-Hope's face lit up. J-Hope then hugs me as I start to blush by the contact. He then kisses my cheek.

"YAH! GET A ROOM!" Jimin shouted, "We're trying to eat here," He continued and J-Hope pulled away. I smiled and my parents walked through the door and we greeted them.

"Oh, Eomma...Appa eat with us," I said giving them a ceramic bowl. They sit and joined us and we laughed. J-Hope held our hand up....

"Together?" My dad asked and J-Hope nodded. I start to blush hard as my friends start to tease me along with my parents.


I don't think I'm updating until the weekend. Classes start in 3 days for me and I am wishing I would have more time to write more chapters. I have to finish a book(IRL) not in wattpad. i have to finish it by Thursday. I also have to finish my Algebra Packet and I have 4 problems left but I have no idea how to solve it. I have to figure it out. Also follow me on my twitter for BTS and GFRIEND related posts. Also the picture above is mine and the video is Park Jimin for BTS new comeback in TWO WEEKS! While GFRIEND's comeback is in a WEEEK!! I'm sorry if I'm not updating, just know that I'm thinking of chapters for this book and the other two. BYE for now!!

Twitter: kandykitten768


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