Damian ~ It's My Fault (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

Rated: PG-13 

TW: blood, death

Without Him ~ Christina Grimmie (RIP)

* * * 

I coughed, holding a hand to my chest as I let out a strained groan. It was getting exceedingly hard to breathe; the smoke coming from the demolished room beside me was pouring into the room I was currently lying in, which was making it that much harder to see, too. 

A few days ago, I'd gotten word about a group of crooks without a name planning to break into a mint located on the southern side of Gotham. There was supposed to be an exporting shipment of almost $25,000,000 leaving Gotham for the Midwest at 10 PM tonight, and, being the cocky superhero I usually pretended to act like, I thought that I could handle it on my own. 

As soon as I had stepped into the building, I was tackled to the floor by Robin, who had come out of freaking nowhere. Fortunately, he was there in time to move me out of the line of sight of the armed guards standing only a few yards away. After a rather interesting scolding from probably the hottest vigilante in this dimension, I willfully accepted his help on the mission. Unfortunately, we somehow failed to notice the giant bomb they'd set up in the factory, and by the time I had tried to disarm it, it was too late. Robin and I turned tail and ran as the bomb went off, though we didn't have a chance to escape the blast. That's pretty much what led to me lying majoritively conscious on the busted floor of a destroyed money factory. 

"R. . . Robin," I wheezed, flicking my hair out of my face as I readjusted my mask. It made it easier to see - since it wasn't pushed over my eyes anymore - though it didn't bring me any closer to finding my accomplice. 

"Robin!" I tried again, my voice breaking. I held my breath, my heart pounding anxiously in my chest as I waited for a a response. After a few moments of silence, I decided that I couldn't wait around any longer. 

I rolled over onto my back, looking down at the desk that was sitting on top of my legs. Though it wasn't completely crushing them, it still hurt like a bitch any time I moved it. I took a deep breath, letting out a loud yell as I used the majority of my remaining energy to shove the desk away. However, as I pushed against it, a crazy-bad pain shot up through my arm from my shoulder, and I gritted my teeth together. 

"Come on, (Y/N); you have to keep going," I grunted, pushing through the pain as I shoved the desk off of me. It hit the floor with a crash, and I scooted back, wincing at the pain that continued to radiate from my shoulder. 

"It's okay, Robin," I breathed, holding myself up on one of my elbows. "I'm coming." I grunted as I used the desk to push myself onto my knees, and finally up onto my feet. I yelped as a wave of pain shot up my leg, causing me to stumble into the wall beside me; I guess I'd failed to notice my swollen ankle, too. I huffed, letting out another deep cough as the smoke continued to linger around my head. 

"(Y/. . . (Y/S/N)." 

"Robin!" I exclaimed, whirling around to face a hallway that was positioned behind me. It was filled with debris from the explosion, making my path look more like an abandoned construction site. "Robin, are you back there?!" 

"(Y/S/N)," I heard him groan, and the smile on my face grew exponentially. 

"Hold on," I answered back, using the wall to steady myself as I moved as fast as I could to the hallway. 


"Hold on, I'm coming!" I called, crawling over a flipped desk and past a pile of cracked drywall. As happy as I was to hear that he was alive, I was concerned about the way his voice sounded. Granted, we were enclosed in a demolished building filled with smoke, but there was something that didn't seem. . . right. It was scaring me. 

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