Bat Family ~ Resurrection (X-Female! reader)

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Rated: PG-13

Eternal ~ Aaryan Shah

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Red Hood didn't like waiting.

It had been over fifteen minutes since their designated meeting time had passed, and he was getting irritated. He had much better things to do; not necessarily anything important, but he would have chosen any number of them over a simple meeting with Red Robin and Robin. If they didn't show up within the next few minutes with a plausible explanation, Red Hood would consider their called-in favor null and void and leave without remorse.

He twirled the handgun around his finger by the trigger guard, heaving out another impatient sigh. The sounds of the city below did nothing to calm him. The sight of the unlit Bat Signal sitting on top of the Gotham City Police Department just a few rooftops away only peaked his aggravation--and his curiosity. Why had the brats called him for his help, but not the Bat, himself? Even in Robin's instructions, Red Hood was informed that Batman knew nothing of the meeting. Red Hood was irritatedly suspicious.

"We were almost beginning to think you wouldn't actually agree to this."

Red Hood made no gesture to greet the pair as they landed on the rooftop in front of him.

"From the looks of it, I'm the only one who bothered to show up to the get-together you organized," he snapped. "Start talking. If I don't like what I'm hearing, I walk."

"Yeah, yeah," Robin muttered with a roll of his eyes. "Just come with us."

"If you wanted me to go somewhere else, why not meet there?" Red Hood inquired, giving the handgun another strong flick before returning it to the holster at his hip. "I really don't feel like running all over this God-forsaken city for fun."

"It'd be in your best interest to just do as we ask," Robin replied.

"Oh, really?" Red Hood spat with a scoff.

Robin continued without missing a beat, "Besides, we couldn't risk the chance of Father catching your entrance, should you have decided to arrive at a time inconvenient to the two of us. We're your ticket in."

Red Hood cocked an eyebrow, prompting another pout from Robin.

"We only have another few minutes before Batman leaves for his meeting," Red Robin interjected. Red Hood shifted his attention to the taller boy to find he was glancing at a holographic screen projected from his watch; it was feed from a camera in the Batcave. Batman was standing beside a large glass chamber a little ways from his computer. While the feed provided no audio, Red Robin was watching his lips move, indicating Batman was speaking. To whom, the boy had no idea.

"Let's go." Robin turned and sprinted to the edge of the roof without another word, shooting off into the night. Red Robin wasn't far behind, but what the two failed to notice was that Red Hood hadn't moved from his spot. To be frank, he had absolutely no interest in whatever it was Batman had gotten himself into. Batman could take care of himself, and if he were in any kind of trouble, there was no way in hell he'd ask Red Hood for assistance--much less send the brats to do it for him.

It wasn't worth anything to Red Hood. He was going home.

As soon as Red Hood turned around, he almost stepped back in surprise to see Robin and Red Robin standing before him, arms folded tightly over their chests. Red Hood heaved out an irritated sigh. "You really expected me to follow without any explanation? At least you're smarter than that, Drake."

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