Dick ~ Old Flames (X-Villain! Reader)

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Currently undergoing editing. 

Originally a Harley Quinn x Nightwing turned into an x-reader. You are unaware of Nightwing's identity. 

Rating: heavy R (pretty freaking smutty, my dudes)

(Y/V/N) = your villain name

Wicked Game ~ Ursine Vulpine (feat. Annaca) 

* * * 

The buzzer screamed overhead. 

The heavy metal door groaned in opposition as the mechanical gears shifted, forcing its hinges to grant me access to the hall beyond. 

Screaming. Laughing. Wailing. A deafening cacophony of voices flooded my ears at once. Not a single one of our collective footsteps could be identified over the noise.

What the hell am I doing here..? 

The fluorescent lights, half of which were dark or altogether broken, barely succeeded in lighting our path forward. They burned my eyes, even as I shifted my gaze to the disintegrating floor. No, perhaps it was the smell of disinfectant that was causing my eyes to sting, even behind my mask. Or maybe both were responsible for the dull ache settling in the base of my skull. 

I'm going to get into so much trouble for this. But... 

Door after door after door; an endless number of rooms lined either side of the hall. We turned the corner into an identical corridor branching off the end; it was like a maze. If not for the escort and the fact that my multiple visits had engrained this facility's floorplan into my brain, I might have never found my destination, nor the exit. 

I need to see her. 

Room after room, we passed. Most's lights were dark, while some illuminated the windowless spaces just behind the metal doors. In others, shadows danced along the walls, verifying their occupancy. It made my stomach churn, the knowledge that almost every one of them was inhabited by one being or another. How many of this facility's tenants had been brought here of my own accord? How many had relinquished their freedom by my hand? 

"We're here." 

The squadron of five heavily-armed guards surrounding me on all sides suddenly paused. I lifted my head to find another sealed-off threshold; these doors were excessively reinforced with more cybernetics and mechanical trimmings than the previous. The Maximum Security block; this section of the facility housed some of the most dangerous beings to ever walk the planet. 

I'm so close. She's right in front of me. 

The guard at pointe lifted a hand to an intercom sitting on the wall beside the door's metal frame. The button he pressed made a faint beeping, glowing an ominous red before a sharp crackling could be heard on the other end of the line. 


"Waller," the guard muttered, readjusting the firearm strapped across his chest. "Squad Seven requesting access to Max Sec. The crazy bitch has a visitor." 

My jaw tightened. 

"Which one?" the gruff voice replied. 

"Unit Twenty-five." 

She'd been reduced to a number. No matter my irritation, though, I held my tongue as a deep sigh came from the other end of the line, followed by a string of indiscernible muttering. Then, the guard stepped just to the side, exposing me to the tiny camera sitting just above the intercom. I stared pointedly into the lens, fists clenched at my sides and breath caught in my throat. 

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