Jason ~ Torn (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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Thanks @JuliaMartinez457 who simply asked for more Jason.

Request sent in by @bcduke, who asked for a Jason X-Vigilante! Reader love triangle...

Rated: PG-13 (innuendos, cursing)

Hangover Heartache ~ Highlnd

* * *

"On your right!"

Red Hood let out a grunt as he dove over the edge of the building, landing on the roof of the warehouse below just a few seconds before the building behind him went up in flames. He then hurdled over a radiator and landed beside me, pulling me into his chest as shards of glass rained down on us from above. I flinched, my breath heaving in my chest as the explosion subsided, though it only meant that the warehouse below our feet was the next to go.

"We need to get out of here," Red Hood muttered, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him. I followed him, and we sprinted across the rooftop toward the bay, but we both let out a yelp as the warehouse windows began shattering, the building soon becoming swallowed in the flames that were protruding from the inside.

"We've gotta jump!" I yelled, my feet shoving off against the edge of the roof as I dove down into the water below. I slipped into the freezing cold water, swimming a little ways away from the docks before resurfacing. I brushed my sopping hair out of my face and frantically looked around me, letting out a breath of relief when I saw Red Hood surface a few feet away from me. I turned and swam over to him, but before I could manage to get even a single word in, he grabbed me by the shoulder and yanked me back down into the water with him. I struggled against his hold as I fought to break free, but my eyes widened when I looked up to to the surface of the water to see the warehouse explode in a cloud of fire. Red Hood and I immediately turned around and began swimming to the other side of the docks, dodging pieces of debris that were darting into the water around us.

By the time we'd made it to the other side of the docks, my lungs were burning for air, and when I saw the coastline, I practically threw myself onto the beach, going into a coughing fit as I choked up the salty sea water. Red Hood crawled up beside me, pausing on all fours as he took a moment to catch his breath.

"Sorry about that," he murmured, letting out a cough. "I didn't -"

"Don't worry about it," I interrupted, rolling over onto my back. "You saved my ass." Red Hood let out a dry chuckle as he moved closer to me, the water droplets from his raven hair dripping onto my face as he peered down at me.

"You're welcome," he teased, and I rolled my eyes, lightly shoving him away as I moved to sit up. I suddenly let out a gasp as a sharp pain shot up my leg, and I looked down to see a piece of shrapnel sticking out of my leg. The cold water, mixed with the adrenaline that was coursing through me, must have numbed up my leg enough to make it unnoticeable until now.

"Red, help me up," I muttered, but Red Hood was already on his feet, one of his arms snaking around my back while the other hooked behind my knees, lifting me off the beach. I hissed, my hands gripping my thigh as a thin stream of blood dripped from the tip of the metal shard and onto the wet sand below.

"I've got you," he replied, turning away from the beach and back toward the city.

* * *

"Damn it, Jay!" I snapped, slugging him in the shoulder. "You've got to warn me, first!" Jason, now clad in only a pair of grey cargo pants, simply rolled his eyes, completely ignoring the fact that I'd just assaulted him as he held the cloth doused in isopropyl alcohol to my injured thigh. The sting that came with it was slowly starting to subside, but it still didn't hurt any less when he began wiping away the dried blood that had accumulated around the wound.

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