Dick ~ Daddy, Dearest

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Indirect sequel to "The Early Months." 

Chapter soon to be edited.

(Y/S/N) = your son's name 

Rated: PG-13-ish

Song: TBD

* * * 

"Dick? Honey? I'm home!" I called as I stepped through the front door, shutting it behind me. I was immediately consumed by the horrid stench of smoke that seemed to fill the apartment, and I coughed, clamping my hands over my ears as the fire alarm began to go off, which didn't really do much to mask the sound of my three-month-old screaming his ass off somewhere inside the apartment.

Oh, he is so dead.

"DICK!" I yelled over the screeching alarm, kicking off my shoes before making my way into the kitchen, where I caught sight of my shirtless husband frantically cursing at the stove as he desperately tried to douse the flames that were emanating from one of the pans.

"(Y/N)! I need your help!" He whined, letting out a shriek as the flames on the stove jumped. I groaned, shoving him out of the way so that I could turn off the stove. I then grabbed the pan and dumped it in the sink, quickly turning on the faucet. The flames almost immediately went out, though I was aggravated to know that a perfectly good pan had just been destroyed.

"Dick," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose as I slowly turned back toward my husband, who was now sitting on the living room couch, messing around with our three-month-old, trying to get him to stop crying. Despite his stupidity, I couldn't help but smile, and I waited until the smoke alarms went silent before I made my way into the living room as well.

"Hi, honey," I mumbled, leaning over the back of the couch to place a kiss on Dick's head. He looked back at me over his shoulder, giving me a warm smile.

"Hi, babe," he replied, turning back to our son. I moved to the front of the couch, groaning as I plopped down beside Dick. He placed (Y/S/N) in my lap, leaning over to give me a kiss on the side of my head. "Rough day?" I sighed, smiling down at (Y/S/N) as he began chewing on his little fists.

"Eh, not really. Not other than the fact that I missed my boys so, so much!" I squealed, lifting (Y/S/N) into the air as I placed a kiss on his giant baby belly. He smiled, letting out a little giggle. I laughed and gave him back to Dick so that I could shrug off my jacket, which I launched over the back of the couch without a second thought. Dick glanced over the back of the couch before looking back to me, cocking an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?" He questioned slowly. I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"Positive. I'm just. . . really tired," I murmured, pausing to let out a yawn. "I just need a nap or something."

"Well, after I put the baby down, we can go back to our room and watch a movie," Dick replied, shushing (Y/S/N) as he lightly bounced him in his arms, the baby's eyes slowly beginning to droop close. I hummed in approval, running a hand through my hair.

"That sounds amazing," I whispered, leaning up to peck Dick's cheek before I moved away from the couch and walked down the hall to our bedroom. Rather than give in and just flop down onto the bed, I trudged over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of pajama shorts, and then to my closet to grab an old college sweatshirt. I threw the clothes onto the bed before I slipped off my shirt and bra, tugging the sweatshirt on over my head. I then removed my skirt, replacing them with the shorts.

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