Damian ~ Cheek to Cheek (Christmas Special)

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Merry Christmas. 

Rated: PG 

Song: TBD

* * * 

"So, you and Damian seem to be spending a lot of time together--" 

"Mom!" I whined, slouching in my seat as propped my elbow up on the car door. I scowled out the window at nothing in particular as we made our way through Gotham to Wayne Manor. "We're just friends." 

"Mm-hm, and Bruce Wayne isn't hot," she replied, to which I scoffed. 

"Mom, you can't say that about my best friend's dad..." 

"Why not? If you were my age, Bruce--" 


We made finally arrived at Wayne Manor around two in the afternoon, and I wasn't surprised to see Damian already waiting outside on the front steps for me. It was quite amusing to see him with his pink nose and arms wrapped tightly around his chest, shivering in the cold. 

"Dames!" I called as I jumped out of the car, clutching the presents I'd brought to my chest. 

"(Y-Y/N)," he replied, giving me the most uncomfortable smile I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Are you seriously that cold?" I looked up to the sky as a few stray snowflakes began to fall. "I think it's perfect!" 

"And, I think you're crazy," he muttered, teeth chattering. "L-Let's just get inside, already." 

"Alright." I glanced back at my car and gave my mom a little wave before following Damian up the stairs and into the giant mansion. 

"This is much better," Damian murmured, stripping off his coat in the foyer before passing it off to Alfred. 

"You're being a wimp." 

"I'm being serious!" he exclaimed, leading me into the kitchen. "It is two degrees outside! How you can stand being in that cold for more than a mere second completely astounds me." Unknowing to the fact that I had paused just outside the doorway, Damian continued his muttered rant as I turned to Alfred and removed my coat. 

"Thank you, Alfred." The butler matched my smile.  

"You're quite welcome, Miss (L/N)," Alfred replied, shifting my coat to his arm before taking the stack of presents from me. "It is always a delight to have you as our guest." 

"I am pretty great," I teased, and Alfred chuckled. "If it's alright, can I go make myself some hot chocolate? I promise I won't make a mess." 

Alfred cocked an eyebrow and followed behind me as I headed into the kitchen. "That's of no concern to me, Miss (L/N), but I can do that for you." 

"It's okay, Alfred," I replied, pausing just outside the door to look back at him. Alfred opened his mouth as if to say something, but ultimately decided against it and resided to nodding. 

"Very well." He pushed the door open for me, and I muttered a quick thanks before stepping into the kitchen. I nearly died laughing when I saw Damian standing in the middle of the room, a scowl on his face as hot chocolate dripped from his hair and clothes onto the floor. 

"Dames, what happened to you?" I exclaimed, clutching at my sides as I tried to calm my guffawing. He scoffed, folding his arms over his chest and turning away from me. 

"Stop laughing," he hissed. "It's not funny." 

"I can't help it," I wheezed. "Seriously, Dames, what happened?" I shook my head as I grabbed a rag off the counter and stepped over to him, but he held up a hand before I could get any closer. 

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