Dick ~ The Dreaded and the Ex

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The longest chapter I've ever written on Wattpad. Enjoy. 

Rating: R (strong language, sexual content, drinking, blood) 

TW: SAD, BDSM, gaslighting, codependency, guilt-tripping, infidelity, insecurity, alcoholism

Lie To Me ~ Tate McRae x Ali Gatie

* * * 

We had been dating for almost a year, and this was the first time I would be taking a trip with Dick. An overnight trip. Away from home. 

With the rest of his family, that is. 

Jason and Tim were both preoccupied in the backseat, Jason with the hood of his sweatshirt pulled over his eyes in slumber while Tim was playing some kind of videogame on his phone, a pair of oversized headphones sitting on his head. Dick was nodding along to whatever song was droning quietly through the stereo, one hand positioned on the wheel while the other sat intertwined with mine in my lap. 

Barbara was driving the car following behind us, accompanied by Stephanie, Roy, and Ace. Damian had allowed our group to take Ace along because Bruce had ultimately deemed the trip a little too "adult" for his liking and denied Damian clearance. Tim was somehow able to convince the little monster to let us take his beloved pet instead, just to get him out of the house. I was positive the slobbering mutt was having the time of his life with Stephanie, considering how much the blonde seemed to love the hound. 

The eight of us had been on the road for a little over four hours already, having left Gotham at about six that morning. The entire drive, Dick had been his bright-eyed, energetic self, and it was that energy that kept me awake through the entire trip, despite how many times Dick had given me permission to nod off for a bit. Jason hadn't even felt the need to accept the invitation before doing so the minute we'd pulled away from Wayne Manor. 

"How much long--?" 

"Seventeen minutes 'til we reach our hotel," Tim piped up monotonously from the back, eyes remaining fixated on his cellphone. Fuck if I knew how he'd even managed to hear me. I slowly glanced back over my shoulder at the boy before my eyes shifted to Dick, who only squeezed my hand in response. 

I couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness that had been hanging over me since Dick suggested we invite the others on this trip. I honestly felt so out of place with everyone here, despite the fact that this trip had been meant for the two of us. All things considered, we had been dating for eleven months, and Dick already spent the majority of his nights at my apartment in Gotham. I figured it wouldn't have been any different in Happy Harbor; we were going to be sharing a room together, anyway. I didn't know how to feel; the additional six accompanying us seemed a little too last minute for Dick to just "decide to invite them along." I also could have just been incredibly paranoid. 

"Hey, babe, are you okay?" I didn't realize I was staring at Dick until he glanced over with a look that read nothing but concern. I also didn't realize I was squeezing his hand so hard, and I immediately loosened my grip. I pulled my hand out of his and tucked it into the pocket of my hoodie, using my other arm to lean against the window. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I offered a tiny smile for reassurance, and I wasn't quite sure if he believed it or not, but rather than inquire, he took to grabbing the inside of my leg and using his thumb to stroke the top of my thigh. A sigh slipped through my nose as I looked out at the vast ocean of the Rhode Island coastline. Just a few more minutes until I could stretch my legs and dive into that gorgeous blue water. 

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