Tim ~ The Only Present I Need (Christmas Special)

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Merry Christmas. 

Rated: PG

Song: TBD

* * * 

"Tim, your family will be here any minute! Can you please help me with this?!" 

"(Y/N), stop freaking out," Tim replied, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt as he stepped into the dining room, pausing behind me to look over my shoulder. "They're not going to care what the wrapping looks like." 

"Can you just hush and help me wrap these, please?" I whined, placing a box in front of him as I began cutting out a section of wrapping paper. "I still have Damian's presents to wrap, two of Selina's, and one for Dick - not to mention, the bow fell off of Barbara's, and -" Tim cut me off as he placed a kiss on my lips, cupping my cheek to hold me in place, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh as a bit of the stress washed away. 

"(Y/N), calm down," he murmured, chuckling. "Everything's going to be fine. Look -" He pointed to the clock above the sink, "- we have over an hour before anyone is supposed to come over; that's plenty of time to get the rest of these wrapped." 

"An hour goes by quickly when you have a lot to do," I replied, turning back to the unwrapped box in front of me. "Not to mention, I need to finish dinner; I still have to finish boiling the mashed potatoes, basting the turkey, baking the rolls, mixing the punch -" 

"(Y/N)," Tim cut me off again, placing his hands on my shoulders as he pulled me away from the dining room table, "everything is going to be fine. Stop freaking out about it!" 

"I can't, Tim," I muttered, running a hand down my face. "This is the first time I've hosted Christmas for your family. It's even more stressful that my family wasn't able to come up; I don't want to ruin Christmas for your family, too!" 

"You're not going to ruin Christmas," Tim replied, rolling his eyes. "My family would love you even if you didn't get them presents, or make them dinner." 

"Maybe, but I'd still feel bad," I murmured, lazily wrapping my arms around his waist as he pulled me into his chest. "I know that Jason still doesn't particularly like me -" 

"Yeah, well, Jason doesn't particularly like me, either," Tim interrupted, chuckling. "Actually, Jason doesn't really like anyone." I rolled my eyes as a small smile made its way onto my lips. 

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to at least try to make a good impression on him, you know?" I mumbled, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Now, can you please do me a favor?" Tim cocked an eyebrow as he glanced back down at me, and I batted my eyelashes, feigning innocence. 

"What, exactly, am I signing up for?" He murmured, and I shrugged. 

"You just need to wrap these presents for me while I finish preparing dinner," I replied, grinning cheesily. "Please?" 

"Aw, but I can think of so many other things that we could be doing before the family gets here," he murmured, and I hummed disapprovingly as he leaned down and began placing kisses along the nape of my neck. 

"But, Tim -" 

"Come on, (Y/N)," he whispered, his breath fanning lightly against my skin, "just relax for a second." I hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh, pushing lightly against Tim's chest. 

"Tim, you know how stressed I am about this," I murmured, shaking my head. "Could you please just help me by wrapping the rest of those presents?" Tim gave me an annoyed look before letting out a groan, finally giving me a complying nod. I smiled, leaning up to peck his lips. "Thank you." 

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