Stick With Me

3K 73 36

I know most of you won't read this all the way through; I won't force you, but a lot of you have been asking for updates, and I have at least one draft for every one of the Bat Boys, so please know that I am not quitting this book. 

College sucks, and I'm sure some of you can understand this. 

I'm seeing a counselor every week to help cope with the anxiety of not having any friends on campus. I even had to quit cheer because I felt like no one on my squad treated my like part of the "family." 

Writing is my only escape at this point, but even that is being limited because of school and my job. 

Please stick with me, guys. I'll strive not to let you down. 

We're almost to 100K; please help me reach that goal. 

Thank you. 


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