Damian ~ Deja Vu (X-League of Assassins Old Friend! Reader)

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Combination of two requests; @one_winged_ayaya requested that Damian and Reader get pregnant with twins, and @Anitode asked that Damian meets up with his old "ninja buddy" and they get pregnant with twins. Two birds, one stone.

References to "Son of Batman"

Rated: heavy R (language, sexual content, violence)

(Y/V/N) = your villain name

(F/N) = father's name (not "first name")

Never Gonna Die (Alt Version) ~ Zara Larsson

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"Father, I need to speak with you."

"Can it wait? I'm a little preoccupied," he muttered, eyes focused intently on the monitor before him as he sat back in his chair. It never failed to surprise me how he hadn't gone blind, considering that screen was the only real source of light in the decrepit cave.

"It's rather urgent, actually," I replied, stepping further into the Batcave. "I was wondering--"

"Damian, please," Father interrupted, running a gloved hand down his face with a sigh. "I'm extremely busy right now."

"Too busy isolating yourself in the dark to listen to what your son has to say?" Father hesitated for a moment before slowly turning around in his chair to face me, an expectant look on his face.

"What is it?" My gaze shifted to the floor as my hands became clenched at my sides. The subject of this conversation was rather difficult to approach, and Father was sure to argue once he'd caught on.

"As you know, I'm an adult now--I have been for quite a while," I murmured, eyes rising back to the man before me. "Twenty-two is... I have concerns for what you have planned for Robin's future--my future." When Father didn't immediately reply, I felt somewhat dejected, until I saw the way his face twisted with building caution.

"You're going to have to be a little more specific; what do you mean?" he asked. I shook my head with a sigh.

"I'm not quite sure..." That was only a half-truth; I just hadn't yet figured out how to be any less blatant about my inquiry. "Father, I need to know if this is what you intend to have me do for the rest of my life. It's my understanding that Grayson refuses to carry on your legacy as Batman once you retire, and I have no idea what Drake plans to do after his time as Red Robin, but Father, I can't just sit around and wait for someone three steps ahead of me to throw away the cowl. I just..."

"What are you saying, Damian?" Father muttered, sitting up in his chair. "Are you telling me you want to give up being Robin?"

"Not...exactly." I hesitated, folding my arms over my chest. "I can't be stuck running around after you as someone that I'm just...not, anymore. I need to make something for myself. I suppose what I'm asking, Father, is that you begin your search for a new Robin."

The look on Father's face made me grimace; not only did he appear utterly stunned, but he looked sad, almost crestfallen. I briefly considered taking back what I'd said, but I knew it wouldn't matter. Father could tell what I was thinking; I couldn't just retract a statement like that as though it hadn't been said.

"Are you sure about this, Damian?" he finally replied, eyes searching my face. I drew in a deep breath before nodding, my arms falling back to my sides.

"Yes. Not that I plan on retiring any time soon, Father, but I think it would be best if you started looking for someone to take my place. I understand being Robin is something that has become a legacy for our family, but I don't know what else to do."

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