Damian ~ Picture Perfect (Christmas Special)

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

Merry Christmas. 

Rated: PG

It's Nice To Have a Friend ~ Taylor Swift 

* * * 

"What do you think you're getting for Christmas?" 

I lifted my head to look at the boy walking beside me, pulling up the scarf he had wrapped around his slender neck. I shrugged. 

"I'm not sure," I mumbled, sighing. I watched the small cloud appear in front of me before slipping away with the wind, the same happening to Damian as he coughed. "I only asked for a couple things; honestly, I don't want my parents spending much on me this year." 

"Why would you say that?" He replied, giving me an odd look. "Your parents are loaded; it's not like they'd mind spending a few extra bucks on buying their only child a Christmas present." I shook my head, my hands tightening around the straps of my backpack. I kind of regretted asking Damian to walk to school with me; we should have just taken one of our cars. But, after being friends with him since we were young, I needed to get him to confess what he wanted for Christmas. I'd asked him once before, and he'd simply replied with, "Nothing; I don't need anything." 

I was determined to get it out of him, but by the looks of it, I was the one being interrogated instead. I was running out of time, too. Christmas was in just a few days, and today was our last day at school. I wouldn't see him until Christmas day, when our two families got together to have dinner, and by then, it would be too late. I needed to get it out of him today. 

But, I had no idea how to do it. 

"What would I even ask for?" I muttered. "I don't really want anything, and everything else I can think of, I already have." 

"So, what did you ask for, then?" Damian pressed, his brow furrowing the slightest bit. My gaze flickered to the ground for a split second. 

"Socks. . ." I trailed off, giving him a sheepish look. Damian scoffed and finally stopped, prompting me to do the same. 

"Socks," he deadpanned, frowning. "You asked your loaded parents for socks? Either your a freaking Saint, or just indecisive." I scowled, reaching out to slug him in the shoulder. I wasn't surprised when he didn't even budge. 

"That's not the point, Damian!" I whined. "I don't want a lot for Christmas! Everyone thinks I'm stuck up anyway; why add fuel to the fire and give them an even bigger reason to call me a brat?" Damian hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh, his dark bangs brushing his forehead as he shook his head. 

"Don't worry about the others," he muttered. "Really, they're just jealous." He then glanced up and looked around us, and I did the same. We were close enough to the school now that the other students walking through the gate were able to catch sight of us lingering on the sidewalk. A few had stopped to observe us, some with curious looks on their faces, a few with sneers. There were even those who were whispering among themselves and looking around at each other, obviously talking about us. I felt like I wanted to disappear. We really should've taken one of the cars. 

"They're just jealous," Damian announced, causing a group walking around us to pick up the pace. "Who else can say they're friends with Damian Wayne?" I felt my jaw clench as I turned away and continued on my way to school, Damian's footfalls not too far behind me. "Where are you going?" 

"School," I replied, sighing in defeat. I loved Damian, I really did, but sometimes, I just need a break from his ego. He wasn't a bad person, but the fact that he not only had money, but was Bruce Wayne's kid, sometimes went to his head, and that annoying, arrogant side of him would make an appearance. I didn't particularly like that side of him. 

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