Jason ~ Misshapen

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I'm so happy y'all begged for a Part II for this. 

Rated: PG-13 (language, sensual content) 

Hold The Applause ~ Mira Housey 

* * * 

With one swift kick, I was thrown to the ground, Jason hovering over me.

"You asshole," I growled, shoving my hands into his chest in an attempt to push him off, "you knew I was distracted!"

"Exactly," he muttered, panting lightly through cracked lips, "you should never look away from your opponent; especially one that looks as good as I do."

"You mean, drenched in sweat and covered in bruises? Oh yeah, what a turn on."

"Word's gotten around that, that's what you're into. Please don't tell me I disappoint."

"Hardly," I scoffed, shoving at his chest once more. "Regardless, don't believe for a second that a shirtless Jason Todd pinning me to the cold floor is going to change my preferences."

Jason's breath hitched in his throat, and I swallowed thickly as the tired expression on his face hardened. "What's that supposed to mean?" His fingers dug into my shoulders, and I couldn't hide my wince quickly enough. 

"That hurts," I muttered, eyes narrowing.

"Answer the question, and I'll stop," he growled, squeezing my shoulders even harder. I tensed up beneath him, hating not only the feeling of being submissive, but the exhaustion that was sinking into my body and further honing my unwillingness to fight back.

"Get off of me," I hissed, pushing as hard as I could against his chest. "Jason, get off of me now."

"No," he murmured monotonously. I let out a low growl, struggling underneath him.

"Get off!"

"I expect an answer," he retorted, "a proper answer."

"I don't owe you one," I snapped, finally admitting defeat as I laid my head back against the cold floor. Jason smirked and decided to take a seat on my hips while he continued to dig his fingers into my shoulders. I didn't find any point to moving, seeing as he wouldn't have let me up without a fight, anyway. However, while I didn't like the position we were currently in, I disliked the way he was staring at me even more. 

"You know, seeing you like this brings me back," he suddenly murmured, letting out a dramatic sigh as his turquoise eyes studied my face. I scowled.

"Your memory must be failing you. I can't seem to recall a time at which this would've happened." When Jason only let out a shallow chuckle in reply, I cocked an eyebrow. "What, am did I say something that struck you as amusing?" I attempted to cross my arms and only succeeded halfway.

"Amusing isn't exactly the word I'd use," he replied, his low voice resonating in the base of his throat. I swallowed again as my mouth suddenly become dry. 

"Are you trying to turn me on?" I asked quietly. I felt his fingers twitch against my shoulders as he slowly dipped his head until his forehead was resting lightly against mine, unblinking eyes boring into mine.

"Is it working?" he whispered. Unsure of my immediate answer, I kept quiet for a moment before ultimately averting my gaze to his chest, breaking our connection. 

"Of course, not."

Finding a sudden spark of strength left within me, in one quick--and rather uncoordinated--move, I shoved the palm of my hand up into his nose, maneuvering my upper body out from underneath him once he'd released my shoulders to cradle his face. I then pulled one of my legs free and wrapped it around the front of his torso before shoving him away, scrambling to my feet once I'd made it far enough away from him. I watched carefully from the other side of the room as he groaned in pain, hands soon becoming red with the blood spilling from his nose. 

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