Tim ~ Cafe Meet-Cute

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Rated: G

Star City Cafe ~ hevel, Evito (such a cute song)

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I groaned, running through the front door of my apartment and immediately began searching for my uniform. I had forgotten I needed to work today, and the fact that my shift had been changed from three hours after my last class of the day to only a half hour in between the two was not helping me at all.

I darted around my apartment, mumbling quiet curses to myself as I looked for my stupid uniform. It was a simple red dress and black apron; I had been wearing the same thing yesterday, how hard could it be to find them?

Apparently, very.

I let out a victorious cheer after finding the garments hanging over the back of one of the chairs in my dining room. I didn't bother going to my room to change as I settled on stripping in the middle of the dining room, quickly pulling on my uniform as I struggled to finish throwing my hair into a messy ponytail. Once I was finished with both tasks, I immediately rushed back outside, jogging lightly to the café just down the street from my place. I would never forget to appreciate how close to home this job was.

I stepped inside the café just as my shift started, earning a cautious glare from my manager as I clocked on, but, thankfully, no scolding. I stuffed my bag and sweatshirt under the counter and grabbed a notepad from behind the register before hurrying over to the first table, straightening my wrinkled apron along the way.

"Hi, what can I get started for you?" I offered my first guests a tired smile, which the sweet-looking couple seated beside the window up front returned ten-fold. After they had ordered their drinks, along with a couple of cold cut sandwiches, I all but threw a couple of coasters onto the tabletop before quickly running back to the counter to make them. One caramel latte, green tea, and two turkey subs later, I was returning to their table with a full tray. As I was setting the items down in front of them, I couldn't help but notice the short line that had formed at the drink counter. It was making me all the more anxious; I couldn't name one employee here that enjoyed the Friday afternoon lunch rush. Once I was sure the couple was taken care of and didn't need anything else, I didn't take much care in turning back to head to the counter when I suddenly slammed into someone, knocking both the tray and notepad out of my arms.

As if it were my luck, my foot landed on the open notepad and completely slipped out from underneath me, causing my knee to buckle. Just as I was about to fall backwards, a strong pair of arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders, and I was pulled back upright. I let out a breath of surprise, taking a moment to gather my bearings before quickly bending over to pick up the notepad and tray. An embarrassed flush quickly made its way to my cheeks as I made fleeting eye contact with the wide-eyes couple beside me.

"Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed, finally turning to apologize whoever I'd bumped into. Oh, (Y/N), you are such a clutz!

The boy behind me grinned and shook his head as he straightened the front of his shirt before stuffing one of his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

"No, please, it was my fault," he pressed, running the other hand through his hair to sweep his bangs from his face, "I wasn't watching where I was going." Stunned. I was absolutely stunned. This man was... wow. I was so surprised by the spectacle in front of me that it took me a moment to realize I hadn't replied. All I could offer was a dumb nod, awkwardly clearing my throat as I tried to avoid staring directly at him.

"Oh, well, I probably should've, um..." I slowly trailed off, frantically trying to find a way to at least take some of the blame. "It really was my fault." The man chuckled, his perfect smile practically reflecting the afternoon light streaming in through the window beside us. Should I have been wearing sunglasses? Probably. It would have been effective in hiding my stupidity. Better yet, maybe I should have just disappeared off the face of the Earth.

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