Dick ~ Gone (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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(Y/S/N) = your son's name

(Y/H/N) = your hero name 

Rated: PG-13 (sensual content, violence, language) 

TW: abandonment, 

Crying in the Club ~ Camila Cabello 

* * * 

It's been nearly two years, and I still can't get that moment out of my head; the moment I told him the one thing that would change our future together forever.

"Dick. . . I'm pregnant."

God, I couldn't have picked a worse time to tell him. He'd been a little. . . off lately; always leaving at the most random times, cancelling dates we'd planned weeks in advance, constantly apologizing for things I didn't even know about in the first place. He always claimed that it was work, but I was convinced that he'd been cheating on me. Though I could've thought of a million girls it could've been, I never confronted him about it, and, eventually, I just tried to let it slide. It was all so confusing, but I learned to live with it.

And then, there were the wounds.

He'd come home with cuts, bruises, broken ribs - sometimes he wouldn't even be able to touch me for days because his body seemed so damaged. Every time I tried to spend time with him, he would be so exhausted, or "something would come up", and I'd be left there, alone in our apartment, wondering what my indecipherable boyfriend would be up to.

One night, after he'd come home with a broken wrist, a cut-up chest, and a bruise the size of Rhode Island on his stomach, I couldn't take the secrecy. I lost it and ended up yelling at him. I screamed at him until my voice went sore, and I still didn't let up. I'd gotten lost in my blubbering, and I eventually spilled the beans.

"Is this any way to raise a kid?!"

God, the look on his face terrified me so much, I thought my heart would stop beating. His vibrant eyes. . . they diminished into nothing. The color had practically drained from his face, and his mouth fell open, as though I'd given him the biggest shock of his life. In his defense, I probably had.

"W-What?" He'd muttered, shaking his head as he fell back against the couch. I lowered my head, the tears that had been spilling down my cheeks falling onto the rug beneath my feet.

"Dick. . . I'm pregnant."

That night, he clung to me tighter than he ever had. He kissed me, wrapped himself around me, wouldn't let me go anywhere more that five feet away from him. We even slept together that night. It was amazing; I felt as though I was absorbing his love, and it removed any worried thought I'd had. But, when I woke up the next morning, I was greeted by nothing but an empty bed and a note taped to the mirror:

"Give me time. I'll be back."

My heart broke that morning, as did my respect for Richard Grayson.

Now, here I was, two years later, a single mother working a high-end job in northern Bludhaven, raising a one-year-old by myself. I hadn't had a date since Dick; (Y/S/N) was the only guy I needed in my life, now - at least, the only man that mattered.

There was something else, too. I wasn't only working one job; not a normal one, anyway.

A few months after (Y/S/N) had been born, I'd taken some time off from my regular line of work for a new one, a more. . . intriguing one.

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