Jason ~ Intrigue

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

An old anonymous request for Jason to fall for Alfred's relative. 

Rated: PG-13 

Bad Omen ~ Sofia Karlberg 

* * * 

You know that feeling you get when something just feels. . . off? 

Like, nothing is actually wrong. Your day has been relatively fine, nothing you can adamantly pinpoint, but then, all of a sudden, it just hits you like a wave. That uneasy feeling that something is wrong, or like something bad is coming. 

It was like a fucking truck to the groin. 

I was never too keen on visiting Bruce, especially when I didn't have any reason to, but, for some reason, I felt the need to drop by. I didn't exactly understand it, myself, but after I'd finished my nightly routine of fucking around with a couple of low-lives trying to keer down some lady in an alley, I thought I'd give the bastard a pop-by. So, here I was, at twelve-thirty in the morning, standing on the front steps like a beggar. 

I didn't even bother knocking as I shoved the front doors open, sauntering inside and kicking them shut behind me. It didn't take ten seconds before a familiar sigh of exasperation came from the kitchen to my right, which I promptly ignored as I made my way over to the living room. I plopped down on the couch and perched my feet on the glass coffee table in front of me, using the remote to turn on the flatscreen. 

"Master Jason," Alfred murmured, to which I hummed flatly in reply. Even after all these years of considering myself to not be a part of this crazy fucked-up family, I was still addressed as though I belonged here. The butler appeared in front of me, his arms folded disapprovingly over his chest. I hesitated for a moment before slowly lowering my booted feet to the floor. "Thank you." 

I didn't reply, raising a hand to remove my helmet and dumping it on the couch beside me. "May I ask why you've decided to pay us a visit at this hour?" Though I could hear the light irritation in his voice, I halfheartedly shrugged a shoulder, resting my hands behind my head as I settled into the couch. 

"Dunno," I mumbled. Alfred rubbed his temples with the tips of his fingers; I knew he was trying to keep himself in check while mentally strangling me. I wasn't ashamed to admit I'd never been his favorite, even after I'd fucking died and come back, but I knew he'd put up with me, no matter what shit I managed to bury myself in. 

"Can I get you anything?" He muttered flatly. "Perhaps some melatonin?" I actually snorted. 

"I'll take some coffee with that, if you don't mind," I replied, flicking through the DVR. I swear, Alfred was already planning my second funeral. 

"Master Jason--"

"Alfred!" I smirked. 

That brat's still here? I figured he would have run away by now. 

Alfred let out a deep sigh as he rolled his eyes, his attention turning to the fourteen-year-old storming down the hall toward us. His black hair was springing up away from his forehead, as though he'd just woken up, though I couldn't imagine why any fourteen-year-old would already be asleep at twelve-thirty in the morning. If he wasn't watching TV like me, I figured he'd be training, at least. The look on his face wasn't anything to glance over, either. He looked like he was aiming to kill; I actually prayed for the poor butler beside me. 

"Master Damian," Alfred mumbled, sighing, "what is it this time?" Damian didn't stop charging down the hallway until he was standing directly in front of the older man, his biceps flexing every time he clenched his fists. 

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