New Arrival V (X-Batsis! Reader Miniseries)

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

Rated: PG-13 (language mostly) 

(Y/A) = your age

One Step Closer ~ Linkin Park

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Bruce, my love,

I understand that you're probably incredibly confused, and you have every right to be. Sending her to you without much of an explanation was underhanded and irresponsible of me, but I only came to this conclusion because I had no other choice.

Before I try to clear things up, I need you to know:

(Y/N), the girl who holds this letter, is your daughter.

I don't exactly know which time we spent together was the one that hit the mark, but she is yours - ours. I've included a paternity test; it was conducted by a doctor who is sworn to secrecy under multiple circumstances, and he promised to burn any records related to the test and (Y/N).

The reason I never approached you with this until now wasn't because I didn't want you in her life - I wouldn't ever do that to either of you. I only kept her with me because I was afraid of what she would do, had she known about you. I was afraid that she would try and live up to your legacy as the Batman; all of your sons have taken a role in the vigilante business, and I was afraid that the same fate would fall to (Y/N), had she been influenced by your side of the family. I now understand that this plan was probably not the best, seeing as her mother is a well-known criminal, but I felt that it was best at the time that she stay with me.

Just a little heads up: I may or may not have allowed her to accompany me on some of my "outings"; if she ever tries to pull anything while she's under your care, don't hesitate to punish her. Adding to that, I give you full permission - not that you necessarily need it - to allow her to be trained. Vigilantism isn't something I would have wanted to push her into, but, seeing as it tends to run in the family, I'm behind whatever you choose to do with our daughter; as long as you keep her safe.

Now, to the point of this letter.

Oswald Cobblepot - whom you know as "Penguin" - has something that I need. I'd taken a relic out of the hands of a group of "traders", and I was planning on selling it to the Gotham Museum of Antiques; a hematite raven with gold-lined feathers and ruby eyes. It was going to get (Y/N) and I enough money to live comfortably for the next few years. Penguin somehow managed to snag it from me a while back, and, against my knowledge, (Y/N) snuck out to retrieve it. Penguin was furious, and he now has a bounty set on (Y/N); he's willing to offer anyone who can find (Y/N) half of what he'd receive if he sells the raven, which is just what he plans to do. This is why I must go after him and stop him. Hopefully, he'll take me instead of our daughter.

Bruce, darling, there's no guarantee that I'll be back soon; because the others in our "villainous web" know that (Y/N) is associated with Catwoman, they may try to use me to lure her out. They may very well be planning on holding me hostage until (Y/N) comes out of hiding.

This is why I am sending her to you, her father. Protect your daughter, Bruce; keep her safe, and protect her by any means necessary. I am not only saying this as a mother, but as your. . . whatever I am to you, now; I love that girl more than life itself, so, please, don't let anything happen to her. (Y/N)'s a smart girl; she'll know that something's wrong soon enough, and there is no doubt in my mind that she'll come looking for me; under absolutely any circumstance, do NOT let (Y/N) come after me. Finally, if anything - ANYTHING - happens to me, you will become (Y/N)'s legal guardian until she turns eighteen. While she's perfectly capable of living by herself, as long as there's a bounty on her head, she needs someone to watch over her. Please, promise me that you'll stay with her.

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