Tim ~ Help Me Out

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Chapter soon to be edited. HEAVILY. 

Anonymously-requested chapter. Might be weird, IDK. Tim is Red Robin, it's smut, let's go.

Rated: R+ (yee) 

(P/N) = principal's name 

High ~ Sivik 

* * * 

Long days at work are the absolute worst. 

As if I didn't have enough of a problem worrying about my own husband, I still couldn't fathom how I managed to become a high school teacher when my tolerance for children, in general, was so freakishly low. Not only did my "glorious" occupation come with the constant disrespect from the students in my many, many classes, I had to withstand being hit on by my older students - particularly, the seniors. I mean, I understand that a 22-year-old teacher with a decent physique and a gorgeous new husband would probably feign away from becoming a simple school teacher, but that didn't mean that I was willing to turn into one of those creepy teachers that is desperate enough to sleep with her students when I chose this occupation! 

Today had been no better than any other day; if anything, it'd been worse. During my first period class, one of my freshmen students threw up, I spilled my coffee all over my desk after lunch, and I was forced to send three senior boys to the office because they kept making me uncomfortable with their "compliments". Needless to say, that last instance happened much more often than the other two, and it made me apprehensive; if Tim, my husband of officially three months, now, were to find out that I was getting hit on by my students. . . I honestly don't know what he would think. 

I let out a sigh as I unlocked the front door and stalked inside the simple condo that Tim and I shared, slamming the door shut behind me and heading into the kitchen. I disposed of my work bag and purse onto the dining room table before turning and heading down the hall to the bedroom I shared with Tim. I wasted no time in stripping out of my slacks and shirt, throwing them into a messy pile on the floor at the foot of the bed. I then made my way across the room to the master bathroom, unraveling my hair out of its braid. 

"Shower time," I murmured, puffing my cheeks as I dug around in the closet beside the toilet for a bath towel. I placed the towel on the floor in front of the bathtub and removed my underwear before turning on the faucet and stepping inside. God, to feel the hot water falling down against my skin felt absolutely heavenly, and I let out a sigh as I leaned forward and rested my forehead against the cool tile wall. My gaze, rather than being fixed on my feet below me, traveled over to the glass shower door, which was slowly beginning to become consumed by steam. I was able to catch sight of my phone sitting on the counter, and, beside it, my wedding ring. 

That ring. . . It was the object that symbolized the eternal contract that Tim and I had made. 

When he'd first proposed to me, two years after we'd started dating, I never imagined that I would be so lucky to wind up with someone like him. Not only was he absolutely gorgeous and a total animal in bed, he was witty, extremely intelligent, brave, and compassionate. Three months ago, we had tied the knot, and I had given him the rest of my love, as well as my life. 

However, it never failed to scare me, the things he was doing while I waited at home for him to return. 

I never thought that I'd fall in love with a vigilante. When I'd gone off to college, I'd heard stories of Batman and his sidekick, Robin, since I was a kid. Granted, he now had Nightwing, and there was even a new Robin at his side, but none of them had astounded me like Red Robin had. There was just something about Red Robin that intrigued me; God must have really loved me, because, to this day, I still don't know how I managed to snag the very same guy. 

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