Batboys ~ Prank War: The How and Why

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For those of you with requests: I am getting to them, I promise. All requests are in the works, but I have about seven of them and am spending time on them equally between work and homework, as well. They'll be published soon <3

SECOND, this was quite literally a chapter idea I pulled out of my ass while making a pot of coffee in my pajamas at 16:30. Let me know if you agree with me on these. 

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Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian are irritated with Bruce. This could be a single instance that affects the four of them simultaneously, or a singular individual "attack" that one of them takes too personally. How would the boys go about getting back at Bruce? 



Now, this man has already pulled the rug out from under Bruce's feet on more than one occasion by leaving Wayne Manor and starting his own career. However, as we all know, his love for the Batfam keeps him well tied up in everyone's endeavors. I feel that Dick, being as happy-go-lucky, quirky, and playful as he is, would find the absolute most immature ways to prank Bruce--even worse, the majority would be things to inconvenience him to the point of insanity. 

And it wouldn't be just one prank, either. Oh, no, this boy would create an entire list of ways to get back at Big Daddy Bats before making subcategories and clauses for each idea. 

I'm talking: 

05:00: replacing Bruce's alarm clock with a recording of him screaming at the top of his lungs

05:05: saran wrap over the toilet bowl

05:07: turning off the hot water and removing every towel larger than a washcloth from the immediate vicinity

05:15: replace Bruce's toothpaste with cream cheese icing and his soft-bristled toothbrush with a stiff one

05:20: tripwire across the doorway of his walk-in closet

05:23: taking every left sock from its drawer

05:25: removing the batteries from every wrist-- and pocket watch 

05:30: cooking oil on the hardwood stairs

05:35: no coffee mugs; only plastic preschool sippy cups and crazy straws

At this point, Bruce is agitated, hungry, and on edge as he continues through his morning before getting ready to leave for Wayne Tower. Looking around every corner, fighting to identify every creak in his expansive house, anticipating the unseen and undiscovered. Even the Batcave, his inner sanctum, is no longer presumed safe. That is, until he gets to the front door and--

07:35: sand in every pair of work shoes--only the right ones 

07:40: keys are missing; fob is still attached to keyring, but keys are nowhere to be found

07:53: smells coconut oil on the doorknob, uses a handkerchief to open the door instead only to step in a large pile of wet soil upon opening the front door


Now, Bruce is VERY aware of who's done all of this, and he's LIVID. He will contact Dick and scold him for his antics, maybe even make a trip to Blüdhaven himself to reacquire his property. But will Dick be holding his missing items in his apartment? Oh, no, Dick's thought ahead; perhaps he's hidden the items in the basement of the Titans East Tower, or asked a favor of a friend at the BPD to borrow their storage locker. 

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