Damian ~ It's My Fault II (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

Thousand Miles ~ Tove Lo

* * * 

It had been almost a week since Damian had been killed.

The men who'd done it still hadn't been caught - at least, not that I knew of, but it wasn't like it was my top priority. I didn't even care about those low-life, scum-licking murderers anymore; the only thing that I could ever think about was finding Red Hood - the objective I had placed above all other values in my everyday life.

As (Y/N), I was a mess, though I did my best to hide it from my colleagues. However, my boss, Mr. Wayne, seemed to take more notice to my disheveled self than the others; he'd often stop by my desk to ask if I was alright, or if I would like to go home early and rest because I looked "absolutely exhausted". He was always right about that; I was exhausted. I'd always decline, though, explaining that I was worried about a sick friend, or that I was just feeling a little under the weather. Though he never seemed to believe me, he did leave me be. I couldn't have asked for more.

As (Y/S/N), I was still a mess, though it was about a million times worse. I'd been nonstop looking for Red Hood for six nights straight. Every evening, after work, I'd race home as fast as I could to put on my suit, and I'd then search every corner and alleyway in Gotham, keeping my eye out for the red-masked antihero. Hell, I'd even popped into Bludhaven every once in a while, just in case the guy decided to venture a little outside of his jurisdiction.

Still, after six days of anxious looking, I'd gotten nowhere.

Right now, I was just getting ready to leave work. I was cleaning up my desk and gathering my things, when this sudden eerie feeling seemed to wash over me. It made me uneasy, almost as though there was someone watching me.

I looked around the office. Because I was one of only a few left for the night, there was no one I could see who was even paying the slightest bit of attention to me. I was about to just shake it off and go home when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, through one of the wall-length windows behind me. I quickly turned around, and my mouth fell open as I saw him perched on top of the Wayne Enterprises building, his reflection being projected onto the building beside it. I wasted no time in darting out of the office, ignoring the confused glances I was gaining from my colleagues as I exited the building, immediately turning and looking up to the roof.

There he was: Red Hood.

I only took my eyes off of him for a split second to hail a cab, but, when I looked back, he was gone.

"Shit!" I hissed, jumping into the cab before it took off to my apartment.

This was it; I was going to find him tonight, even if it killed me.

* * *

Now (Y/S/N), I wasted no time in returning to the Wayne Enterprises building, though, this time, I was now on the roof, looking for any kind of clue as to where Red Hood had gone. There were a few shell casings that were littered across the roof in various places, and a damp boot print or two, but, other than that, I had absolutely nothing to go off of.

"Fuck," I muttered, letting out a growl as I began pacing around on the roof. "Where the hell did he go?!"

"Never thought I'd hear you use such a big-girl word."

My eyes widened exponentially as I whirled around to face the Wayne Enterprises sign, and I was surprised to see Red Hood perched on top of the giant glowing letters, peering down at me.

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