Villain! Bat Boys ~ Going Rogue (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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Requested by Virgil_Shipper666: 

"I was wondering if you would make a chapter of an AU where the Bat Boys are evil and the reader is a hero so they have to take her down only for one of them to fall in love with her." 

I won't tell you which one. 

I sincerely apologize for the wait on this request. I am trying to do better about covering requests and putting my own chapters on hold. This chapter, alone, took an entire month.

31,500 words. My longest chapter to date. 

Rated: PG-13 (violence, HEAVY language, blood/gore, sensual content) 

GODS ~ League of Legends, NewJeans

* * * 

Four figures sprinted through the streets of downtown Gotham, hearts thundering and heavy pants echoing in their ears. It was the second hour of their hot pursuit of two masked assailants whose allies had disappeared only moments ago. Despite vanishing into thin air, they lingered nearby, waiting for the right moment to rejoin the hunt. 

What was supposed to be a simple scouting mission had turned into a head-on chase, but you'd done what you could to accommodate the situation. This wasn't your first encounter with Batman's little posse, but the carelessness of your own squad was close to costing you the mission because the others weren't quite following your revised plan. 

"Spoiler, you're supposed to be on Red Robin! What happened?!" You pressed a finger to your comm to better hear her response, but the sweat dripping down your temple made it difficult. 

"Hey!" the blonde whined as she flipped over a dumpster. "I told you, I lost sight of him when he went behind the mail truck! Wait, over there--!" 

You hardly had time to glance in the direction she'd pointed before a blur of red and black entered your vision. The tall male in front of you let out a grunt as he launched a bicycle at you, which you tossed to the side before continuing forward. Spoiler yelped as the bicycle landed with a crash in front of her, shooting a glance over her shoulder at the mangled mess. 

"Spoiler, now!" you snapped, eyes moving past Red Robin to the pair still far ahead. Spoiler let out a huff before using her grappling line to propel her forward, over your heads until she was side-by-side with Red Robin. She sprinted alongside the latter until he suddenly froze in his tracks and tackled the blonde into a newspaper stand. The unsuspecting owner shrieked, and newspapers and magazines scattered in the wind as the teens fought tooth and nail to fend one another off. 

You left the pair behind, and Orphan picked up the pace to take Spoiler's place at your side. 

The smaller of the males glanced back over his shoulder with a sneer and muttered something to the other.

"What are they doing?" Oracle muttered under her breath. You shook your head dismissively. 

"I don't know, but we need to--" 

Unexpected gunfire erupted from behind a barricade set up in an alleyway to the right, and a sudden shove to the back almost made you eat pavement before you stumbled to catch yourself. Using the surrounding cars as shields, you ducked low to avoid the ricocheting bullets flying off the vehicles. When the rain stopped, Oracle made a ninety-degree turn and whipped around the corner, crashing into the rotting wooden crates. The helmeted assailant perched on the other side couldn't move out of the way quick enough and was knocked to the ground. 

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