Dick ~ Stupid Cupid (Valentine's Day Special)

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Happy Valentine's Day. 

Rated: PG

Awkward Silence ~ Stray Kids 

* * * 

This isn't the time to be panicking! 

You drew in a shallow breath as you rose from your seat in the middle of the classroom and stepped around your desk, making your way to the teacher's desk just in front of the blackboard. You weren't able to block out the two-dozen or so pairs of eyes following your every move, and you couldn't shake the thought that they were able to sense your unease--as if it wasn't clearly plastered across your face. 

You finally approached the teacher's desk, where a large glass mason jar filled about halfway with little strips of folded paper sat, the lid lying inanimately beside it. You paused, glancing first at the jar and then at your teacher, who was perched lazily in her chair. She returned your glance, cocking an eyebrow before motioning to the jar. 

"Go ahead, (Y/N)." 

You swallowed dryly before dipping a shaky hand into the glass jar, lightly swirling the papers around the inside. They mixed and danced between your fingertips before you reached the bottom, finally gripping onto a slip that hadn't gotten mixed up in the storm forming around your hand. You quickly retracted your hand, the paper in your grasp, and held it out in front of you. Your teacher then swiped it from you, unfolded it, and scribbled whatever was written on the inside on a small pad of paper. 

You tried your hardest to read the emotion--or lack thereof--on her face, to gain even the slightest guess as to what had been written inside, but before you could get an accurate read, she covered the pad and all but threw the slip back into your outstretched palm. She then looked back up and motioned for you to move back to your seat. You wasted no time turning around and hurrying back down the aisle, finally releasing the breath you didn't realize you'd been holding as soon as your butt hit the chair. 

"Who'd you get?" 

You jumped a bit as a voice from behind you whispered in your ear. You glanced over your shoulder to face one of your classmates, a short blonde with braces you didn't really know all that well, other than the fact that the two of you were in the same afternoon study group. She smiled a bit before her eyes darted to your enclosed fist on top of your desk, and you tensed. 

Right. You were supposed to look at that little piece of paper, now. 

You let out an uneasy chuckle before clenching your fist a bit, crinkling the paper inside. 

"I'm not sure," you mumbled back. "I haven't looked." The blonde looked astonished. 

"You haven't?" She asked. "Like, seriously? Aren't you excited to see who you got?" You didn't answer, instead looking back to the front of the room as another name was called. Then, another, and another. As the collective attention became solely focused on every student that stood before the teacher's desk, the blonde's question remained unanswered, and you watched along with everyone else until the final name was called. 

This time, a taller girl with long red hair stood from her desk on the far left and approached the front of the room, almost valiantly. The smile on her face was the same one you'd seen every day for the past few years of your time here at Gotham Academy; the same radiant, confident expression that could make you either smile in reply or turn and leave because you were afraid her happy little mood was contagious. 

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