Tim (feat. Conner) ~ Truth; I Dare You

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A lot of stress and angst went into this chapter. Enjoy.

TW: toxic relationships, peer pressure, bullying, underage drinking*

*characters have been aged up; think S3; I'm mixing comic/media storylines again, so sue me. 

Conner is literally built like a trapezoid with legs, and I am all for it. 

Rated: R (language, sexual content, violence)

Escapism ~ RAYE, 070 SHAKE (slowed & reverb) 

* * *

Your eyes fell unsurely upon the mountainside as Tim slowed his bike to a stop before cutting the engine. He moved to dismount, and your arms fell from around his waist as he stepped away from the bike and removed his helmet.

"Thanks for picking me up, I guess." You studied the foliage curtaining the hidden entrance a few meters away. Tim raked a hand through his mussed hair before placing his helmet on the seat in front of you.

"Not a problem. It's convenient you live in Happy Harbor, and honestly, on a day like this, I don't mind the drive." The smile he sent your way was almost enough to elicit your own, but the second his back was turned, your expression returned to its previous apprehensive state.

"You okay?"

You slowly shook your head. "Tim, I don't think I should be here."

He frowned, glancing first to Mount Justice and then back to you. "Why not? It's a Team party; everyone's invited."

"You know that's not what I mean." With a heavy sigh, you removed your own helmet and placed it in your lap before gently flattening your hair. "It's only been a few months since my breakup with Conner. I just..." Your stomach twisted with nerves, and your fingers curled against the inside of the helmet. "He's already dating Cassie, now. It'll be super awkward with me there. Nightwing's been more than generous with giving me the time off I asked for, but... I haven't seen a lot of the Team since it happened, and I don't feel like I should--"

"Are you kidding me?" Tim scoffed. "Conner's an asshole, we all know this. If it wasn't for the fact that he's a senior member, he wouldn't have lasted another second with the rest of us." He opened his mouth to continue but paused after seeing the dejected look in your eyes. No matter how difficult your relationship with Conner had been, the two of you ended things on fairly good terms. Tim was one of your best friends, but while appreciating his attempt at supporting you in a time of need, you wouldn't condone him speaking so negatively about your ex.

Even if he deserved it.

A moment passed, filled with the quiet whistling of the summer wind and the dull roar of waves against the shoreline. Tim finally let out an impassive hum. "Alright. C'mon, let's head in." You replied with another sigh and placed your helmet next to Tim's, and the two of you wandered toward the bay door.

"Recognized: Robin; B-2-0. (Y/H/N); B-2-9."

"Guys, they're here!"

The heavy metal door folded shut behind you, and you flinched upon entering the Mission Room when Bart appeared in front of you with the cheesiest grin on his face. You were even more shocked when he suddenly sprung forward and placed a light peck on your cheek before darting behind Tim to grab the ravenette in a headlock.

"Bart, what the hell, man?!" Tim grunted, easily maneuvering out of his hold before straightening his clothes. Bart let out a hearty guffaw and turned his eyes to your stunned expression.

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