Dick ~ Not Another Baking Show (Christmas Special)

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Merry Christmas. 

Rated: PG-13 

Gonna Run ~ Tiggi Hawke 

* * * 

"You're going down, Brown." 

"Oh ~ Clever; how long did it take you to come up with that one?" 

"Enough banter, ladies." Tim stepped up between us, placing a hand on each of our chests. I could feel the intensity practically radiating off Dick behind me. We weren't about to back down; we refused to admit defeat. 

"Are all materials in place?" Tim asked, glancing at both tables. Stephanie and I gave a simultaneous nod, and Tim mirrored us before placing his hands on Stephanie's shoulders and walking her backwards. 

"Eyes on the prize, Steph," he murmured, locking eyes with the blonde. She nodded, leaning up to place a kiss on his forehead. I could feel Dick wrap his arms around my waist from behind, and I quickly spun around and threw my arms around his neck, leaning up to give him a quick peck. 

"We can do it, baby," he mumbled, nodding  erratically. I moved out of his embrace and raised both of my hands for a high-five, which he quickly accepted before turning to face the others. "You're going to lose, Tim!" Tim let out a scoff as he rolled up the sleeves of his sweater, Stephanie cracking her knuckles beside him. 

"Dream on, Grayson," he retorted. "We're unstoppable. You have no chance of beating us!" 

"Enough smack talk!" I exclaimed, shooting a glance to Alfred, who was looking back and forth between the four of us, a rather timid look on his face. "Timer ready?!" 

"Honestly, Miss (Y/N), you get far too into this," he mumbled, raising the timer in the air. "Are you ready?" The four of us started hollering incoherently, probably scaring the utter shit out of the poor butler in front of us. Alfred set the timer for an hour, and as soon as he pressed start, the four of us went absolutely crazy. 

"Alright, come on, (Y/N)!" Dick yelled in my ear, his hands sorting through the candy spread out across the countertop. "We only have an hour to build this gingerbread house and we can not lose to them!" 

"I'm right here, you idiot!" I shouted back, slapping Dick on the back of the head. He quickly retracted, giving me a sheepish smile before going back to sorting through the candy. I shot a quick glance to Tim and Stephanie, and I felt myself grow anxious when I noticed they'd already started putting their walls up. 

"Shit!" I hissed, grabbing sheets of gingerbread and placing them against each other before icing them together. I did the same to the other two walls before starting on the second floor. The design Dick and I had come up with was something we hadn't done before; we'd planned to do a two-story gingerbread house with a small guest house off to the side, and then decorate the base and yard with little candies and trails. The houses would be covered with "lights" and "ornaments" and Dick even suggested we have a little marshmallow snowman. 

It was a brilliant plan; there was no way we could fail. With Dick handling the decorating and I, myself, working on constructing the whole thing, we were sure to win. 

However, I knew Tim and Stephanie had their own strengths. Stephanie was practically a decorating queen. Her candy was always laid out perfectly, and Tim knew how to place his gingerbread in such a way that their house could be completely asymmetrical and still stand tall. 

"45 minutes remaining," Alfred announced, flipping the page of his magazine. I let out a silent curse when one of the walls on the second story refused to stick to the first, which almost crushed the decorations Dick had put up around the outside of the house. 

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