Dick ~ Riddle Me This (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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Rated: PG-13

Do I Wanna Know? ~ Arctic Monkeys  

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I let out a whoop as I back-flipped off the edge of another fire escape and landed in the corresponding alleyway, causing the snatcher I was chasing to skid to a stop in front of me. He flinched as I slowly approached and clutched the stolen satchel to his chest. 

"I remember you," I said, spinning my kali in the palm of my hand before pointing it at him. He immediately shuffled backed against the wall. "You're the one that ransacked that lady's purse at that cafe last week." The man gulped, a bead of sweat slipping down his temple and under his jaw. 

"Come on, man." He let out a wary chuckle. "Can't you just let this one slide? Look, I'll even give the bag back." He tossed the satchel over to me, where it landed with a dull thud on the toe of my boot. I hesitated for a moment before cocking an eyebrow and removing other kali from my back. 

"Sorry, but I don't think you're in a position to be asking for favors," I replied before lunging at him. However, before I could even raise a fist, I was surprised to find that my target had suddenly disappeared. I quickly whirled around as a low, subtle chuckle echoed off the buildings surrounding me, and my eyes widened at the sight of the man I'd been after suddenly flying out from the shadows. He rolled to a stop about a yard in front of me, blood smearing the left side of his face as he struggled against the rope that had been almost expertly bound around his wrists and ankles. 

"Seems like someone got to you first," I muttered, my eyes narrowing as I fixated my attention on the surrounding shadows. "You might as well give up and come out; I'll find you either way." There was a brief moment of silence that followed before another chuckle resonated from the darkness. 

"Take it easy," the same voice replied. "It wasn't like I was hiding in the first place." My gaze shifted to the shadows just ahead of me, and I felt my mouth fall open a bit as a beautiful woman stepped out of the darkness. 


I'd never seen her around here before--I would have absolutely remembered that suit. It was subtle, nothing extravagant; not even a cape. With her simple suit and domino mask, she almost looked like a legitimate vigilante. She wasn't much shorter than I was either, a strong thanks to those amazing proportions of hers. 

She didn't acknowledge me as she crouched down beside the man on the ground. I decided it was a better idea to observe for a moment and lowered the kali back to my sides. She made quick work of tightening the man's bonds and swiping the satchel from the ground before rising to her feet again, flicking a strand of her (H/L) (H/C) hair over her shoulder. It was then she finally looked in my direction, and I shoulders tensed. "That about wraps it up; he's all yours, Bird-man." 

"'Bird-man'?" I repeated, slightly amused. "It's Nightwing." 

"Okay. (Y/H/N)," she replied, bowing her head. "Here." She chucked the satchel to me and I caught it with ease, smirking when the perpetrator let out a defeated groan. I bounced it around in my hand for a second before cocking an eyebrow at the woman. 

"Have I ever seen you around here before?" 

"Doubt it," she muttered. "I don't exactly stick around in one area for too long." 

"So, you move around a lot, then?" I asked, to which she shrugged. "Where are you from?" 

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she mused. "Sorry, Bird-man, but I don't do 'sharing'. But if God truly loves me as much as they claim he does, maybe I'll see you around." As short as the interaction was, I couldn't keep myself from smiling as (Y/H/N) turned and strutted back toward the alleyway's entrance, her (H/L) (H/c) hair swishing lightly against her shoulders. 

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