New Arrival II (X-Batsis! Reader Miniseries)

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Rated: PG-13

i wanna say ~ Omri

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Bruce remained silent for a moment, eyes darting to each of the boys before he let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair.

"Her name is (Y/N) Kyle," he murmured, running a hand through his disheveled raven hair, " it would turn out, she is, in fact, my biological daughter."

"How?!" Damian roared, clenching his fists as the others shifted uncomfortably. "How old is she? When did this happen? How did this happen?!" Bruce sighed again, folding his hands on top of his desk as his eyes fell away from his son's face.

"Do I really need to answer that?"

The fire burning in Damian's eyes was a clear indication for Bruce to continue.

"In short, it was a long time ago, after Selena and I had discovered each other's identities," he mumbled. "It wasn't a secret that Selena and I were seeing each other on a regular basis, but after things had become more serious between the two of us, Selena had suddenly begun to distance herself from me. I figured it was because she had started burglaring again, after a few months passing without any attempt at returning contact, I discovered she'd left Gotham. I never thought..." Bruce trailed off, swallowing dryly as his eyes narrowed the slightest bit. "It never occurred to me that she was pregnant, or that it could be mine--"

"She," Damian finally interrupted, a mixed look of anger and disgust on his face. "You have a daughter, now--a real daughter--so you should treat her as such." Damian then shoved away from his father's desk, pushing through the others behind him as he stormed off toward the office door. He grasped the handle and swiftly pulled the door open, only to have Stephanie fall to the floor at his feet. She let out an awkward chuckle, scrambling to her feet as she brushed her blonde hair behind her shoulder.

"Uh, yeah, so..." she stuttered, her eyes widening the slightest bit as they darted over to Bruce, and then the boys. "I was just a little curious as to why there's some random girl digging around in my bathroom? Would anyone like to explain?" Silence. "Or, not... You know what? I'll come back later."

"I'll explain it to her," Tim muttered, hanging his head to avoid eye contact with Bruce as he turned away and headed toward Stephanie. She took a step back, a look of confusion crossing over her face as she watched him advance. He brushed past Damian and took Stephanie by the shoulders, leading her away from the office and down the stairs. Damian's eyes trailed after the two of them, his lip curled up in distaste as they disappeared from his line of sight.

"Do you think Cassandra knew about her?" he muttered, turning his head the slightest bit so that he wasn't fully looking over his shoulder. The others looked to Bruce, whose attention was still fixated on his desk.

"I don't know," he replied quietly. "If I didn't, then there's a strong possibility she didn't, either."

"Fair enough," Dick breathed, frowning. "Still, that doesn't cover the fact that you have a daughter, Bruce; a biological one, at that."

"I know," Bruce muttered sharply. "I just... I need a moment to think."

"You need a moment to think?" Damian snapped, whirling around to fully face his father. "Well, then, we'll gladly leave you to it! Please, take all the time you need to adjust to this new development!" With that, he finally stormed out of the office, slamming the door shut behind him so hard, it cracked the frame. Bruce finally raised his head as Damian's muffled footsteps disappeared, his tired eyes now fixated on the broken doorframe.

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