New Arrival VI (X-Batsis! Reader Miniseries)

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

Rated: PG-13 (language) 

No Glory (feat. M.I.M.E. & Drama B) ~ Skan & Krale 

* * * 

"No, that will never work," (Y/N) muttered, pacing around in front of the computer monitor. "God, Drake, I hope you don't usually come up with the plans on a regular basis." 

"I'm going to use the fact that you're desperate as an excuse and ignore that," Tim hissed back, shooting (Y/N) a pointed look over his shoulder before turning back to the monitor, shaking his head in disbelief. 

For the past few days, Bruce and the others had been trying to help (Y/N) formulate a plan to apprehend Selina; now, all seven of them were holed up in the Batcave, trying to come up with a game plan, which was rather difficult to do because, several plans later, (Y/N) had rejected all of them, much to everyone's annoyance. They knew she was growing even more stressed about the situation, but having to put up with her attitude, alone, was wearing everyone down. 

"(Y/N), you have to get on board with one of these," Dick mumbled, running a hand down his face. "Just because you don't like the plan doesn't mean it's not a good one." 

"Yeah, like the plan that involves the seven of us crawling through Penguins nasty sewage?" (Y/N) snapped, shooting Jason a scowl when he snickered beside her. 

"We have wet suits," Tim mumbled. (Y/N) scoffed. 

"So not the point," she hissed. "Not to mention, the fact that you said there was a possibility that I die in most of these!" 

"Okay, so, those particular plans were less appealing than the others," Tim murmured, shrugging halfheartedly. "The point is, we're doing this for your mother, so you need to try and cooperate." 

"I'm doing my best," (Y/N) muttered, leaning back against one of the glass cases that held Batman's suits. "This whole thing is just stressing me out." 

"We get it," Stephanie piped up from beside Tim, giving (Y/N) a kind smile. "We know how hard this is on you." 

"You really don't, Blondie," (Y/N) replied, shaking her head. "I don't mean to compare sob stories, whatever yours may be, but you can't act as though you know what I'm going through." 

"Well, you could at least try being less of a bitch," Jason muttered from beside her, and (Y/N) scoffed, rolling her eyes. 

"Oh, come on, you know you love it," she mocked, dramatically jutting out her bottom lip when Jason scowled. 

"Alright, enough!" Bruce finally exclaimed, turning in his chair to eye (Y/N). "This is getting ridiculous. The reason we're here is to find a way to get Selina back from the Penguin, and your bickering isn't helping!" 

"Alright," (Y/N) mumbled, rolling her eyes. "God, you act as though you're my. . ." She trailed off as everyone else fell silent, the room soon becoming filled with exasperated looks, and (Y/N) chuckled. "Too soon?" 

"Much too soon," Damian muttered, his upper lip curling back into a sneer as he turned back to the computer monitor. "I say we infiltrate his estate in separate groups and rendezvous when we find him; there, we can take him out, and find Kyle." 

"And, what happens when his goons figure out we're there?" (Y/N) asked. "They may not be the smartest, but as soon as we step foot onto that property, we'll be spotted. He has eyes on the ground and in the sky." 

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