Tim ~ Cheers (Christmas Special)

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Chapter soon to be edited. 

Merry Christmas. 

Rated: PG-13

Song: TBD

* * * 

"Another one, please." I let out a sigh as the bartender slid another shot glass toward me, this one filled with a purple-tinted liquid. I downed it without another thought, letting out a hiss as the liquid tore its way down my throat. 

"Sir, you may want to stop if you plan on driving home tonight," the bartender warned, his eyes searching my figure. I probably looked weak as fuck, but I honestly didn't care. It'd already been two weeks since my girlfriend had left me, which left me utterly alone for Christmas this year. Sure, I could always crash at Bruce's like a couple of the others did, but that would just make me feel pathetic. 

Bruce had Selina. Dick had. . . I don't know, either Zatanna, or Kori, or maybe even that one chick he'd met on that mission he'd had a while back. Maybe even Harley; who the hell knows anymore. Hell, even Jason probably hired someone to spend the night with him, even if it were just for an hour, or so. Damian was too young to worry about this, and he still had his fucking dog. 

I, Tim Drake, was utterly alone on Christmas Eve. 

"When do you close?" I mumbled, running a hand down my face. The bartender gave me a wary look before letting out a sigh. 

"3 AM, sir," he replied, serving a drink to another customer that'd come in a few minutes ago. "But we start kicking people out at around two-thirty." I gave an absentminded nod before spinning around on my stool and slowly rising to my feet. 

"I'm going to take a piss," I muttered to myself, doing my best to slump to the bathroom without tripping over anything, or anyone. 

After relieving myself and staring at myself in the mirror for a good two minutes, I washed up and headed back over to the bar. However, as I began to approach my seat, I was surprised to see it was already occupied. Looking over the rest of the seats lining the counter, I shook my head when I noticed they were all empty. Seriously? The one seat I was sitting in? 

Normally, things like this wouldn't irritate me, but I'd had a lot to drink, and I was growing impatient. 

"Hey," I muttered, placing a hand on the stranger's shoulder. "You're in my seat." The stranger straightened up before throwing back whatever was left in their glass, and I felt my hand fall back to my side as they spun around on the stool. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was taken," they replied, and I had to blink a couple of times before I could comprehend a single thing about the stranger sitting in front of me. 

"You're hot," I suddenly blurted aloud, and I quickly clasped a hand over my mouth. The girl looked utterly surprised for a moment before she began giggling, a sound I found rather pleasing, to be honest. I couldn't help but chuckle, myself as I began looking her up and down. She was dressed far too moderately to be looking for a good time, yet her sweater-dress and boots were far too pristine to be worn for casual drinking. 

"Thank you," she replied, reaching up brush a strand of (H/L) (H/C) hair behind her ear. "I don't hear that too often." 

"But why?" I replied without thinking. "I mean, you're really pretty." She grinned, watching as I took the seat beside her. 

"You know, at first, I thought you were trying to make a pass at me," she stated, raising a hand to call the bartender over. "Now, I see we seem to be in the same boat." I frowned, lazily leaning my elbow against the countertop. 

"Why do you say that?" 

"Look at you," she replied, gesturing to my attire. "Skinny jeans and a hoodie? Doesn't exactly scream 'I've got plans,' does it? My guess is you're alone, and it's the first time in a while, considering how gone you seem." She then gestured to herself. "I, on the other hand, was just stood up on Christmas Eve by a guy I met at work. You think I look hot?" She scoffed, pausing to take a swig of her drink and let out a sigh. "If I'd let my emotions get the best of me, I'd look like a complete mess right now. Sweatpants, mascara running down my face, the whole deal." 

It could have been the alcohol, but I was completely blown away by this girl, especially the assumption she'd made after glancing at me for only a few seconds. 

"So, I guess we're both alone on Christmas Eve, huh?" I finally muttered after a moment of silence, turning in my seat to face the counter. The girl beside me hummed before finishing off her drink, requesting another. I did the same, though I only asked for a water. I gulped half of it down before running a hand through my messy raven hair. 

No harm in trying, right? 

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked without looking at her. "Once I sober up a bit, there's this really good place down the block that serves Chinese food. They're open late, too." I could see her glance at me out of the corner of my eye, and after she hesitated for a second, she put down her glass and let out a sigh. 

"You know what, why the hell not?" She replied, smiling tiredly. I turned and smiled back at her. 

"Alright, then." After a few minutes of just talking about random things, we decided to go ahead and leave the bar. We'd only made it a little ways down the street before the sound of bells from one of the old churches downtown began sounding off, and the two of us quickly glanced down at our phones before looking up at each other. 

"It's midnight," she murmured, her breath slipping out from between her lips in clouds. I nodded, smiling. 

"Yeah," I whispered. "Merry Christmas. . ." I trailed off, suddenly remembering I had absolutely no idea who she was. 

"(Y/N)," she answered for me, holding out a hand. I accepted it, giving hit a quick shake. 


"Tim," she repeated, letting out a chuckle. "So, how about that Chinese food?" 

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