New Arrival III (X-Batsis! Reader Miniseries) Halloween Special

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Happy Halloween

Rated: PG-13 (language, suggestive content)

There Will Be Blood ~ Kim Petras

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Damian couldn't sleep that night. He was filled to the brim with nothing but loathing toward both (Y/N) and his father. Now matter how hard he tried to suppress it, the feeling would always come flooding back.

After his brief intervention with Alfred, Damian couldn't help becoming conflicted over the way he'd reacted to (Y/N)'s comments about his own mother. Talia had been in his life for as long as he could remember. The woman had raised him, even if the means had completely stripped him of any chance at a normal childhood and were the ultimate path to inheriting the League of Shadows from his grandfather. Of course, that didn't exclude the fact that she'd tried to kill both him and his father on multiple occasions, as well as use the both of them in a scheme so horrid, he hadn't considered her death an unjust consequence. Regardless, in spite of everything, Talia's death had taken a toll on him, further promoting his reaction toward (Y/N).

Perhaps, in part, he was looking for an excuse to take his anger out on her, or maybe it was because he didn't know what else to do. His mother had been pure evil, and admitting that (Y/N) was right had his insides absolutely twisting in the most uncomfortable way.

Damian let out a frustrated growl, sitting up in bed.

"This is idiotic," he hissed, running a hand through his hair before throwing off his covers and hopping out of bed. It was well past midnight, and although the chance of anyone else being up and about was slim, he still peeked out into the hallway to be sure. With the coast clear, he navigated his way through the mansion until he approached (Y/N)'s bedroom door. He looked around before pressing his ear to the door, listening quietly to see if (Y/N) was asleep.

No sounds of life.

He slowly twisted the knob before cracking the door open, peering cautiously into her room. (Y/N) was asleep on her bed, wearing the same sports bra and sweats from before, though she was lying flat on her back, arms folded tightly over her chest and feet crossed at the ankle. Damian found it even more odd that she was sleeping with her head at the foot of the bed.

What the hell?

Damian shook his head as he opened the door far enough to slip inside. He silently shut it behind him, keeping a wary eye on (Y/N) as he stalked around as quietly as possible. The room looked the same as it had been before her arrival, save for the black tennis shoes tossed carelessly in the corner by the dresser and the clothing messily hung in the open closet. He paused at the foot of the bed, taking another look around before his eyes settled on sleeping (Y/N).

Her expressionless face seemed uncharacteristically stiff to him, almost as though she were deep in thought, and he was surprised to notice two thin black streaks trailing down her cheeks to her chin.

Had she been crying? Damian frowned and leaned forward a bit more. He then nearly let out a shriek as (Y/N)'s eyes flew open, staring intently up at Damian. Before he had a chance to register a response, (Y/N) flipped backward off the bed, her legs wrapping tightly around Damian's waist as she used her weight to force him to the ground. She then fastened one of his arms to the floor, her other hand hauled back into a fist.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" she hissed, her voice rough with sleep. Damian could do nothing but stare wide-eyed up at (Y/N), his mouth falling open as he was met by her bloodshot glare. (Y/N)'s hand clenched tighter around Damian's wrist, and it took most of what he had not to wince. "Answer me!"

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