Tim ~ Inside and Underneath (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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(Love you guys :3)

This request is from @Sarahzzz1212:

"Can you do one where you go to school with Tim but he doesn't really notice you even though he's your crush, but you're also a new vigilante he finds attractive. So one night after somehow ending up working together you guys start to do stuff and you take off his mask, and right when the good stuff happens he gets called away. So the next school day you recognize him and avoid his vicinity but you end up being lab partners. And then that night you just get in a heated make out session and he fails to take off your mask, but the next day you show up to school "hotter" and he notices. The cycle continues until something happens. . . idk"

Close enough.

Rated: PG-13 (you'll figure out why)

High Season ~ Tiggi Hawke

* * * 

I couldn't wait to get out of here.

It'd been one of the most unbearable days so far this week, and I wanted nothing more than to go back home and climb into bed. So far, I'd found out I'd nearly failed my history test, I managed to drop one of my notebooks in a puddle on the front steps this morning, and my locker had gotten jammed, which, in turn, forced me to get one of the custodians to unlock it for me.

Unfortunately, I still had another hour, or so, before I was allowed to leave the place most refer to as "high school" - the place I call "Hell for the innocent".

That would be me; I'm the innocent. At least, I'd like to think so.

I was currently sitting in my last period of the day, absentmindedly staring at the clock as I waited for the final seconds standing between me and my freedom to tick away. I was sitting beside my lab partner, a hyped-up blonde named Stephanie. Personally, I didn't have anything against Stephanie; she was nice to me, helped me when I was having trouble with my homework, and always spoke to me with a smile.

The only thing that actually bothered me was how close she was to the one guy I had a crush on.

Tim Drake.

God, he was by far the most amazing guy at Gotham Academy. His gorgeous raven hair, his cerulean-blue eyes, a body and jawline anyone would kill for; he was a member of the Academic Decathlon team, had a 4.6 GPA, and took about every weighted class the school offered. He was also incredibly good at sports, especially gymnastics; I heard he'd learned from his older brother.

He was perfect.

Unfortunately, while he was a big part of my world, in his world, I practically didn't exist.

My attention was suddenly torn away from the clock when a roar of laughter erupted from the back corner of the classroom, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Tim and a group of his friends messing around behind their lab table. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he seemed. It wasn't uncommon for him and his friends to get into trouble for being obnoxious, but our chemistry teacher didn't really seem to mind too much.

It must be nice to be friends with Tim Drake.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat when he suddenly raised his head and looked up at our table, and my eyes widened a bit when he suddenly began waving.

Holy shit, is he waving to -

I immediately rolled my eyes when Stephanie began waving beside me, a dopey grin on her face, and I let out a groan, resting my forehead against the table in front of me.

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