Tim ~ Embrace

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Chapter soon to be edited (HEAVILY). 

Rating: R (mature themes) 

TW: mentions of suicide, alcoholism, nonconsensual sexual activity, narcotics 

(Y/D/N) = your daughter's name 

(D/F/N) = daughter's friend's name 

(D/BF/N) = daughter's boyfriend's name

Song: TBD

* * * 

"Tim," I moaned, letting out a gasp as he kissed at my neck, his warm, calloused hands running up and down my bare body. 

"Shh, (Y/N)," he whispered, chuckling. "Not so loud." 

"You know, (Y/D/N)'s not home," I murmured, though I still complied to clasping a hand over my mouth as I moaned again, Tim sliding out of me ever so slowly before thrusting back in. 

"I know," he replied, "but it's amusing to watch how flustered you get when you're not allowed to scream." I scoffed and opened my mouth to reply, but I was cut short as Tim captured my lips in another kiss, muffling my moans as he continued to thrust into me. 

I could feel the knot in my stomach expanding exponentially within the next few minutes, and I could tell that Tim was getting close, too, because he kept getting rougher by the second. But, just as we were both about to absolutely lose it, we were startled by a loud crash that came from downstairs, followed by a low, muffled curse. 

"Tim?" I whispered, my eyes widening as I sat up in bed. He did't answer; instead, he crawled off of me and slipped out of bed, running over to the bathroom to grab his bathrobe. I followed behind him, snatching mine from the back of the bathroom door. 

"Stay here," he snapped, opening the door a crack to peek out into the hall. I stood up on my tiptoes to look over his shoulder, but he shooed me back, reaching behind the bedroom door to grab his long-since retired bo staff. 

"Tim?" I asked again, my eyebrows knitting together with worry. Again, he didn't answer as he fully opened the door, holding the staff out in front of him as he stepped into the hallway. 

"(Y/N), I want you to stay here," he whispered, glancing back to me. "Don't come out until I say so; got it?" 

"But, Tim -" 

"(Y/N)." He gave me a reassuring look, and I hesitated for a moment before nodding in return, leaning forward to peck his lips. I then took a step back into our room, closing the door until I could barely see out into the hall. I watched as Tim slowly crept down the stairs, presenting his staff as he made his way downstairs. I anxiously listened as he disappeared out of my line of sight, waiting for him to make some kind of noise, but, after a moment or two of silence, I was getting worried. 

"Oh, my God, (Y/D/N)?!" 

My mouth fell open as I gasped, throwing open the bedroom door and practically flying down the stairs. I didn't stop until I reached the foyer, where I froze to the spot at the sight of my daughter lying on the tile floor, a giant gash protruding blood across her forehead. 

"Oh, my God, she's bleeding!" I exclaimed, kneeling down beside her as I lifted her up into my lap. She had long black streaks trailing down the sides of her face from where her makeup had been running, and she was breathing heavily; but, most of all, she reeked of alcohol. 

"Pssh, Mom," (Y/D/N) slurred, letting out a broken chuckle as she tried to shove her way out of my arms. "It's no big. . . deal. . . It was that stupid door."

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