Damian ~ Dirty Little Secret (X-Tomboy! Reader)

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Currently working on new requests.

Request from @cecelovesreading1234 ; they asked for a Damian x Tomboy chapter.

I am rewriting this chapter because I received a lot of scrutiny over the way I wrote the characters. Someone even went as far as to say it was "disgustingly stereotypical." If you have an issue with my writing, please message me personally. I don't appreciate these kinds of comments where other readers can see them. Thank you.

Rated: PG-13 (language, suggestive content)

(S/N): sister's name (older)

Can't Tame Her ~ Zara Larsson

* * *

"Would you take that thing off?"

"Why?" you murmured, folding your arms tightly over your chest. "Am I embarrassing you?" You let out an annoyed whine when Damian reached up and swiped the plain grey baseball cap from your head, shoving it into his satchel. He then moved his bag out of the way when you tried to retrieve it.

"No." Damian rolled his eyes. "I just wish you'd try to take a little initiative in attempting to follow the rules, especially when we're at school. We wear uniforms for a reason."

"You're just mad because I got hit on at the mall yesterday," you teased, nudging Damian with your shoulder as the two of you wandered the hall toward your next class. Damian didn't reply, instead reaching up to fix your unruly hat hair. As tempted as you were to swat his hand away, you let him. "Wow, thanks, mom."

"Shut up," he hissed, shaking his head. "You know, I'm surprised your mother didn't say anything to you about your attire when you left the house." His eyes shifted to the sneakers on your feet before landing on his own formal school shoes. "I'm beginning to think you have a thing for violating the rules."

"That sounds oddly hypocritical, coming from you." A tiny smile pulled at the corners of your lips as you slowly reached down to intertwine your hand with Damian's. You couldn't help feeling smug when the color of his stoic face faded to a light red hue, but it soon morphed into confusion as he shifted your joined hands so they were hidden behind his satchel, which was resting against his hip.

"Are you ashamed of this, or something?" you muttered, your hold loosening. "Dames--"

"It's not that," he interrupted, gaze focused straight ahead as he gave your hand a squeeze. "It's just, if the teachers see us... And, I just..."

"You're afraid of what your dad will think if he hears about the two of us being together." You nodded lightly and hesitantly pulled your hand out of Damian's, finally prompting him to look at you. "I get it."


"I'll see you later." As the two of you approached your next class, you shot Damian a look over your shoulder before stepping through the doorway, though you couldn't help frowning at the conflicted look on his face. You paused, and just before he had turned to head onto his own class, you leaned back around the doorway and pecked his cheek. He remained still and watched as you continued on to your desk, his cheek burning despite how brief the contact was. He only stayed until you'd found your desk, and finally wandered a bit further down the hall. Though his gaze may have been on the floor, his mind was filled with you, and he ran a hand down his face while the other worked to loosen the tie from his neck.

Unbeknownst to Damian, as soon as your butt had hit your seat, you pulled your earbuds out of your bag and shoved them into your ears, scrolling aimlessly through your phone even after the bell had rung and your teacher had begun the lesson. It was the same daily routine.

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