Chapter Suggestions?

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* I will eventually get to your requests. (I'm currently working on requests from, like, 2018 that I dusted off in the PMs.)  

* PM-ing me for an update will not put your request any further forward in the que. :)

* As mentioned in the description, I take a plethora of request. Any controversial, personal, or suggestive content will be published with a rating and warning so all viewers may choose whether to read it or not. 

* While some of these chapters will have additional parts, many chapters are meant to be kept to one chapter (it is a one-shot book, after all). 

* THIS BOOK IS A SAFE SPACE. I do everything I can to encourage you all to share your thoughts and feelings freely and comment/suggest how you please, but I will not tolerate degrading or harassing comments or the putting down of others' ideas. 

- side note: y'all are super hella thirsty for Jason for some reason. I fucking LIVE FOR IT, but I'm also concerned for our collective mental health. 

Thank you, little stars. ❤️


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