Jason ~ Paint It Red II

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Part II of Paint It Red. 

Any questions about content can be found in Part I intro. Furthermore, don't fight me on the details; I love you all, but not everyone can be pleased. 

City of Angels Don't Feel Right ~ Reed Wonder (feat. Aurora Olivas) 

* * * 

Jason lingered on the fire escape's platform, just outside the window. The chilly spring air whipped around him, roaring in his ears and making the swaying metal underneath him creak with disdain. Thankfully, it hadn't snowed again in the past three days, though the blanketing clouds overhead weren't promising to dissipate anytime soon. Exasperated, he continued to stare at the sliver of open space above the window's sill. You'd left it ajar for him to enter; your eagerness begged to be mocked.

It was only minutes after sunset, and he still couldn't understand how he had found himself at your apartment again. Of course, he knew why he was there, but it was more that he couldn't believe he'd allowed himself to be manipulated so maliciously. As if you weren't already a problem; your newfound stubbornness made the urge to break something every time your face entered his mind overwhelming.

Unfortunately, this much was necessary, as it was all in the name of eradicating Red Hood from your life. If everything played out like it was supposed to, then Jason would finally be rid of the nagging anticipation of you hiding around every corner. He'd finally be in possession of the photos and could rest easy knowing they wouldn't be leaked to the public. He could leave you in the rearview mirror and continue his life as it should be. 

Your toes curled inside your socks as you stared nervously at the window, more to the leather-bound shoulder peeking out from behind the swaying curtains. You could see him perfectly from your position on the couch, where he stood awkwardly on the fire escape. The springs within the sofa cushion beneath you squeaked as you absentmindedly bounced your knee. Every minute Red Hood delayed his entrance was a minute spent suppressing your anxiety.

How much longer would he sit outside? Would he try bailing again? Had he figured out you didn't actually have some kind of elaborate contingency plan?

Your eyes flitted to the uncovered canvas sitting on the other side of the room. In its current state, it was just a giant piece of fabric covered in a mixture of murky paint. There was clearly meant to be a focus point in the middle, one you could almost picture in your head but weren't certain enough to begin forming. You supposed you could use some of the candids you'd taken in the past if Red Hood did decide to subtract himself from the deal, but it wouldn't feel right. This was one of the biggest pieces you'd ever completed, and you would never be able to look at it with confidence if its execution wasn't absolutely perfect. 

Besides, you really, really, really wanted Red Hood to model for you, and you were so close...

A quiet creak came from the window as the pane gently slid upward. You turned your head in time to watch Jason stumble onto your living room floor, letting out a quiet hiss as he lifted a hand to his injured shoulder before steadying himself. You opened your mouth to greet him but decided against it when he clearly looked as though he'd put his fist through your face for breathing too loudly.

Instead, you waited for him to acknowledge your presence before offering a tiny smile. "How's your shoulder?"

Jason scoffed. "How do you think?"

Your expression faltered. "I don't know, I've never been shot before."

"Hm, yeah? Well, it doesn't feel great." 

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