New Arrival I (X-Batsis! Reader Miniseries)

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Rated: PG-13

lie 2 me ~ Dutch Melrose (edited: slowed + reverb)

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"Grayson, I will end your bloodline."

"Sorry, baby bat, but I've just won the game," Dick replied, moving his piece over the checker board to claim Damian's final piece. Damian let out a scoff, slamming his hand down on the coffee table they were seated at.

"Master Damian, I would ask that you not take your frustrations out on the table," Alfred remarked as he passed through the living room, carrying a stack of towels. "I'm afraid you might break it."

"If I break it, then you can blame the man who designed it for his shoddy craftsmanship," Damian hissed, folding his arms over his chest. Dick laughed, scooping the checker pieces and the board back into the game box.

"He thinks I cheated, Alfred," he replied, earning another scowl from Damian.

"You must have!" Damian snapped. "I was trained by the League of Assassins' best logistical minds and tactical analytics specialists from birth. There is no possible way I could have lost at checkers to someone as... To someone like Richard Grayson!" Despite the tiny blow to his pride, Dick defiantly stuck out his tongue at the younger.

"Well, it's not exactly out of your nature, Master Richard," Alfred mumbled as he passed off one of the towels to Jason, who come sauntering down the stairs, fresh out of the shower. Jason grabbed the towel and draped it over his head, rubbing it over his hair.

"Master Jason, you're getting water all over the floor," Alfred sighed as he used another towel to wipe up the small puddle that had accumulated around Jason's feet. Paying no mind to the butler, Jason continued into the living room and took a seat next to Dick on the sofa, who continued to taunt Damian after ignoring Alfred's previous comment.

"If I were you, I'd cut the kid a break," Tim chuckled, coming in from the kitchen with a mug of tea in his hand. "I mean, he did just lose to an airhead."

"Hey, I am exceptionally smart compared to you!" Dick whined, tossing the game box back onto the coffee table. "We all know my IQ is higher than anyone here--"

"I don't think that's accurate," Tim interjected quietly.

"I resent that!" Damian added, to which Tim rolled his eyes. Just as the eldest and youngest were preparing for another round of insults, the doorbell suddenly rang, the sound nearly drowned out by the boy's arguing.

"Ooh, my pizza's here," Tim happily announced, placing his tea on the table. As he was about to move toward the front door, Alfred raised a hand.

"I'll get it," the butler muttered before sauntering to the front door as the boys continued their harsh bantering. Within seconds, all four had become involved in the scuffle; Jason had joined in the argument and had Dick in a headlock, while Damian and Tim began wrestling on the floor in front of the television.

"Miss Kyle?"

Everyone froze as Alfred's voice echoed from the foyer and into the living room.

"What's Selina doing here?" Dick whispered, his voice muffled by Jason's arm smooshed against his cheek.

"I don't know," Tim replied, climbing off of Damian, "but it can't be good."

"She's most likely just here to meet up with Father again," Damian growled, rolling his eyes as he stood from the floor beside Tim.

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