Teen Titans ~ Abandoned (X-Titan! Reader)

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Partial request from a couple of years ago for the reader to be a Teen Titan, nothing specific. User requested to remain anonymous. 

Officially the longest chapter I've published. (26,500) I know you guys want fast updates, but I spend a lot of time on good storylines and the best quality I can offer. If you want shorter chapters, I can comply, but I also don't want to sell anyone short. 

Post-TT, pre-DCAU (I'm mixing characters and events because I can) 

Rating: R (themes of self-harm/suicide, sensual content, language) 

TW: ambivalent attachment, unhealthy family dynamics, psychological torture, kidnapping, mentions of child abuse, self-harm/suicide, abandonment trauma 

Therapy ~ VIOLA 

* * * 

"(Y/N), please, can we just talk about--?!" 

Nightwing's protest was cut off by my own scream as I threw the coffee table across the room. The rest of the group scattered as it crashed into the floor-to-ceiling window, sending a spiderweb of cracks into the glass around the point of impact. 

I whirled around and prepared to utilize the stereo next before a pair of arms grabbed me on either side and forced me face-down onto the floor. My narrowed eyes barely caught sight of Nightwing standing just behind me as I struggled to look over my shoulder. His face was buried in his hands, shoulders slumped and hair a mess from carding his fingers through it. Beside him stood Starfire, gaping at the mess I'd made out of the common room. 

"(Y/N), if you'd just calm down long enough for me to explain," came his muffled reply.

"What is there to explain?" I hissed, jerking my arms in a futile attempt to free myself from Beast Boy and Jaime's hold. "You're leaving the Titans!" 

"That doesn't give you the excuse to act like a total psycho!" Cyborg exclaimed. "I mean, you don't see anyone else screaming bloody murder and throwing furniture!" 

"How can any of you stand there and act this calmly?!" I retorted, looking pointedly at Cyborg. "Especially you, Cy! You're a founding member!" I then turned to Beast Boy, who leaned away the slightest bit. "I mean, come on, BB! You understand what I'm saying, don't you?" 

Beast Boy's expression softened the slightest bit, and he averted his eyes. "Of course I do... but (Y/N), acting out like this isn't going to change his mind--" 

The second his grip loosened, I ripped myself out of his hold and flipped over onto Jaime. He let out a grunt when I landed on his stomach, and the two of us struggled as I pried his fingers from my arm. 

"Don't make me summon Scarab," he hissed, baring his teeth. "He has no reservations when it comes to stopping you." A wave of heat rolled up my back as my hands and eyes glowed blue in tandem with my scowl. "What, you're gonna use your powers on me?!" 

My answer came in the form of one of Raven's potted bonsais, which I retrieved from the kitchen counter and smashed into Jaime's shoulder. 

With a growl and string of Spanish curses, I was released, and I wasted no time scrambling out of the way before he could reach for me again. However, my freedom was short-lived when I suddenly felt my entire body being consumed. My powers were prematurely deactivated as I suddenly lost all sensation in my body. After my hearing and eyesight diminished into nothing, I froze. 

The second I no longer felt the blood pounding in my head, I began hyperventilating. 

I knew it was Raven. I recognized her powers and knew she was rendering me this way, but logic didn't dismiss the panic. I couldn't feel myself breathing, even when I fought to draw in the deepest breath I could muster. Fear was the only reminder that I was still alive. Even then, every fleeting thought was smothered by an opaque screen of darkness.  

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