Damian ~ Sick Day

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Rated: PG-13

WOW (feat. Sabrina Carpenter) ~ Zara Larsson

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   "(Y/N)? Its me; I brought Chinese food." I sat up on the sofa and looked over at the apartment door upon hearing Damian from outside. I sneezed, rubbing my nose.

   "Door's open!" I called back, and Damian let himself in, carrying along a couple of plastic bags full of takeout boxes. I reached for the box of tissues lying on the floor beside me and blew my nose as he placed the bags on the kitchen counter before coming back into the living room with a bottle of Vics. 

   He held the bottle out to me, and I sighed in relief through my stuffy nose. He cocked an eyebrow. "This is the one you asked for, right?" 

   "Yeah, thanks," I muttered, taking the bottle from him as he sat down on the couch by my feet. His vibrant peridot eyes watched as I unscrewed the lid and dipped my hand into the jar, reaching my hand into the collar of my shirt to slather the sludgy contents onto my chest. Even as I finished and screwed the lid back into place, he was still watching unwaveringly. 

   "Stop staring; it's creeping me out," I murmured, sucking in a deep breath of new-found relief as I placed the jar onto the coffee table in front of me. Damian shifted in his seat, finally breaking his gaze from me and fixating it on the television that was playing the show I'd previously been watching. I smiled, shaking my head as I, too, began to absentmindedly watch the show again.

   "How long have you been sick?" he asked, tucking his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt. I shrugged, pulling my heavy heated blanket back up onto my shoulders.

   "A few days, I guess. Why?" He shrugged, turning to look at me again.

   "How are you feeling?" Ignoring my last question, he kicked off his sneakers, and they landed with a thunk on the carpeted floor. My eyes lingered on his discarded sneakers for a moment before shifting back to his face, my eyebrows slowly rising with suspicion. 

   "Not too well; my roommate had the flu last week, so it's very possible it's something similar. Damian, you should probably leave," I replied, covering my nose with the blanket as I sneezed again. Damian frowned and immediately reached for the box of tissues, scooping them up off the floor before offering one to me. I accepted it with a halfhearted smile, blowing my nose before tossing the messed tissue into the trashcan beneath the coffee table.

   "But I just got here," he murmured, the tinies pout dancing on his lips. I barely noticed it in the dim light provided by the television.


   "But, I brought Chinese food."

   "Damian, I really don't feel well."

   "I can help with that." I went rigid at his muttered statement, slowly glancing to my right just as he turned to face me with a dark smirk now plastered on his face. I swallowed thickly through my sore throat and cautiously leaned back against the arm rest behind me.

   "How, exactly..?" I asked, looking him up and down. He offered a half-assed shrug and removed his hands from his pockets as he began crawling forward, suddenly burying himself under my blanket. I quickly brought my knees up to my chest, hugging my arms around them as I carefully watched him advance beneath the fabric. It was like some kind of demonic horror movie.

   "Damian, what are you--?"
   I let out a broken yelp as he grabbed my ankles and pulled me forward until my back hit the cushions and I was lying flat on my back, my legs resting on either side of him. His head then popped out from under the blanket, and while his smirk had disappeared, the matching look in his gaze still remained. My eyes widened as he released my ankles and gently laid down flat against my front. His arm then snaked underneath my lower back, effectively raising me up a bit from the couch.

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