Jason ~ Best Friends With Benefits

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Jason's Robin era has been age-progressed.

Rated: R (sexual content, alcohol, language) 

TW: intoxicated intercourse; this is not a sexual assault, however some may consider the situation as such

Shameless ~ Camila Cabello  

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"You need to slow down, you fucking crackhead. You're going to dislocate my shoulder." Jason rolled his eyes as you hurriedly pulled him through the Gotham Mall, earning a series of dirty looks from the unsuspecting pedestrians you were throwing him into as the two of you uncoordinatedly weaved through the crowd. You ignored his commentary, your grip on his wrist tightening as you eventually yanked him through the entrance of the clothing store you had your eye on at the end of the hall.

"Okay!" You didn't release your hold until you found your way into the women's department, pausing in front of a wall of racks overflowing with dresses. "Our mission is to find a dress for graduation." Jason breathed out a sigh and rolled his hooded eyes before gazing tiredly at the men's department on the other side of the store.

"You just had to wait until the night before graduation to pick out your dress, didn't you?" he mumbled, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his sweatpants. Again, you completely disregarded his words as you stepped up to the wall, eyes shining in awe at the colorful display of fabric before you. Without another moment's hesitation, you abandoned Jason and dove into the nearest rack, and it wasn't even twenty-five minutes later when you had gathered a pile of dresses over your arm so high you could barely see over top of it. 

Watching you struggle was a sight that somewhat delighted Jason, almost to the point that he felt a teasing smile was appropriate. However, he refrained from doing so when you nearly fell forward from the weight of the garments. 

"Come on, I need your help." You let out a grunt and glanced over your shoulder to the dressing rooms, where a sales clerk was folding miscellaneous items at her counter. Without waiting for a response, you headed in her direction, expecting Jason to follow behind. With another roll of his eyes, he did just that, but as he approached the counter and paused beside you, he cocked an eyebrow at the way the clerk was looking between the two of you. 

"I'm sorry, the men's dressing room is actually on the other side of the store," she mumbled, gesturing to the far wall. 

"Oh, he's with me. I'll be needing his opinion." You interjected before Jason had a chance to speak, absentmindedly throwing the back of your hand into his abdomen. He stifled a pained grunt and shot you a dirty look when you purposely did it a second time. The sales clerk didn't reply before stepping out from behind her counter and waving for you to follow. She led the two of you around the corner to a stall beside a tall 180-degree mirror, but after unlocking the door for you, she directed her attention to Jason. 

"I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside. You can have a seat over here." She then pointed to a chaise beside the mirror before leaving the two of you alone. You didn't wait for Jason to sit down before disappearing into the dressing room, and Jason stared at the dirty white door for a moment before eventually plopping himself down on the chaise, folding his tired arms over his chest. 

A good few minutes trudged by, the silence in the otherwise-empty corridor filled with nothing but the rustling of fabric, zippers unbinding, and your brainless muttering. Jason was gradually becoming sleepier as he waited for you to come out and give him something to criticize, but when it started becoming difficult to keep his eyes from periodically falling shut, he let out a heavy sigh and leaned forward onto his knees. 

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