Jason ~ A Fun Little Game (X-Vigilante! Reader)

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Please enjoy the changes and the 500+ words I've added. 

Rated: R+ (heavy smut)

(S/H/N) = superhero name

(S/V/N) = supervillain name

Fahrenheit  ~  Azee

* * * 

"Is that the last of them?" he muttered, throwing another groaning body onto the pile as you added two more, yourself. You nodded, wiping your damp brow with the back of your gloved hand. Red Hood returned the nod and lifted the helmet from his head, running a hand through his visibly-sweaty hair. A chilled breeze split the late-night Gotham air, sending a comforting shudder down both of your spines.

"Yeah, the little one there tried to get away," you mumbled, leaning down next to the smaller male you'd brought and placing a finger under his chin to tilt his head up into your eyeline, "but, luckily, I managed to snag the stray." You allowed his head to slip from your grasp, where it hit the cement floor with a thud and elicited a pained grunt. Red Hood hummed in affirmation and placed his hands on his hips as you rose to your feet beside him.

"Still don't get why you called me," he muttered, clicking his tongue. "At most, all I did was clean up after your little tantrum." You cocked an eyebrow, eyes shifting in his direction.

"'Tantrum'?" you asked, clearly annoyed. Red Hood couldn't keep the smirk from pulling at the corner of his lips, nor his tongue from prodding the inside of his cheek. You were too cute. That pout was doing something to him.

"It seems your reputation precedes you." He leaned in close, but rather than finding interest in his subtle flirting, you were only reminded of a certain black-and-blue acrobat you'd had run-ins with in the past. You found it somewhat unflattering. When he was just a hair's breath away, you lifted a hand to turn his face away. Red Hood chuckled, but before he could retaliate, one of the men in the pile began to groan and lazily rolled over onto his side, gaining both of your attention.

"They're already starting to come to," he muttered lowly. "Should we call someone to pick them up, or leave them and go have a little fun of our own?" You shrugged.

"They'll probably be so out of it when they wake up that they won't even remember who left 'em here." You glanced over at Red Hood. "Funny. It's not like you to leave behind so many... alive." He cocked an eyebrow at the smug look on your face. Mm.

"A little break in routine isn't going to end the world," he replied toyingly. Ugh. You pursed your lips before looking back to the pile of men before you. You supposed a little bit of a breather after all the work you'd done was somewhat deserved. One more look to Red Hood, and you let out a compliant sigh.

"Alright. Let's have a little fun." You weren't quite sure what that would entail. You'd never teamed up with Red Hood before, nor had you ever actually spoken to or interacted with him before. Your eyes narrowed the slightest bit when he suddenly leaned in again, his nose so close it was nearly brushing yours.

"Lead the way." This was bound to be an interesting experience. 

Without a second thought, you accepted his invitation, shoving him away by the chest before turning heel and sprinting down the alleyway. Red Hood was immediately on your tail, a chuckle rumbling in his chest, but just as he was about to catch up with you, he stopped in his tracks when you suddenly pulled out a grappling gun and used it to launch yourself into the air. Red Hood quickly reached for his own, only to groan at the realization that you didn't have a grappling gun.

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